The uptake of the theory of knowledge, formulated by the educator Paulo Freire, was what guided the Projeto MOVA-Brasil during its twelve years of existence (2003-2015). Conceived by the Insitituto Paulo Freire (IPF), the Federação Única dos Petroleiros (FUP) and by the Petrobras, the Projeto MOVA-Brasil contributed for the social transformation of the terrritories where it acted. The methodological process of the Movimento de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (MOVA) articulated the practice of citizenship literacy and politicization as contribution to the political incidence in the spaces of popular participation. The praxis of Popular Education in Human Rights enabled the multiple social segments, among which are the prison system, traditional comunities, indigenous population, riverside population, people from the countryside and the urban area, combined with the educators, the construction of the educative processes that would give visibility to the low offering of public services and, at the same time, that included themselves in public spaces, which, historically, have been excluded from the democratic participation.
Keywords: Literacy; Popular Education; Human Rights