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In this article we analyze some recent changes imposed on the Pre-service Teacher Training Scholarship Program (Programa de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência -PIBID) which has been in place in Brazil since 2007. In the last decade, the Program has fulfilled an important task of better preparing undergraduates for the beginning of their teaching career. However, the last public note in 2018 significantly altered the structure of the Program, changing its formative potential. Based on the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, we analyze part of the activities carried out under the PIBID Physics subproject of a federal university. The analysis was done on three levels. At the micro level, we analyze the short-term social situations that have enhanced the preparation for the beginning of the undergraduate students’ teaching career on this subproject. At the mid-level we analyze the activity system of this subproject, highlighting the elements that contributed the most and which were limited in the training of future teachers. At the macro level we investigate how changes in PIBID, accompanied by the launch of the Pedagogical Residency Program, affected the activity system of PIBID. Our results indicate that these changes may lead to the detachment of PIBID from its identity as an initiation in teaching, undermining the efficiency of tutoring, diminishing the heterogeneity of the subproject subjects, and weakening the partnerships between universities and schools. In addition, these changes do not reduce the limitations of this program and do not expand the possibilities of future teachers to experience the various elements that characterize the beginning of teaching.

Brazilian Teaching Initiation Program; PIBID; Cultural-Historical Activity Theory; Pedagogical Residency Program

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais Avenida Antonio Carlos, 6627., 31270-901 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 31) 3409-5371 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil