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Mudanças nas estruturas de consumo e custo de vida comparativo nas Regiões Metropolitanas: 1996-2020


This paper analyzes the changes that occurred in the consumption structures of families living in the 11 Brazilian metropolitan regions between 1996 and 2020. Based on the 1996, 2003, 2009 and 2018 Family Expenditure Surveys produced by IBGE, the Country Product Dummy model is applied to estimate comparative costs, which allows the purchasing power parity in these areas to be evaluated. The families were allocated to eight income classes, and we work with representative families in each class and region. Series were set up for the general index and for six groups of goods and services for the period 1996-2020, which are available for use by researchers. There were interesting changes in the period, both in the consumption structures as well as in the comparative cost of living index.

Living Costs; PPP; Consumption Patterns; CPD Method

Departamento de Economia; Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Atuária da Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP) Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 908 - FEA 01 - Cid. Universitária, CEP: 05508-010, Tel.: (55 11) 3091-5803/5947 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil