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Ultrasound classification of thyroid nodules: does size matter?



To determine whether the size of thyroid nodules in ACR-TIRADS ultrasound categories 3 and 4 is correlated with the Bethesda cytopathology classification.


Thyroid nodules (566) subclassified as ACR-TIRADS 3 or 4 were divided into three size categories according to American Thyroid Association guidelines. The frequency of different Bethesda categories in each size range within ACR-TIRADS 3 and 4 classifications was analyzed.


Most nodules in both ACR-TIRADS classifications fell in the Bethesda 2 category, regardless of size (90.8% and 68.6%, ACR-TIRADS 3 and 4 respectively). The prevalence of Bethesda 6 nodules in the ACR-TIRADS 4 group was 14 times higher than in the ACR-TIRADS 3 group. There were no significant differences between nodule size and fine needle aspiration biopsy classification in any of the ACR-TIRADS categories.


Size does not appear to be an important criterion for indication of fine needle aspiration biopsy in thyroid nodules with a high suspicion of malignancy on ultrasound examination.

Thyroid gland nodule; Thyroid gland/pathology; ACR-TIRADS; Bethesda; Malignance; Ultrasonography

Instituto Israelita de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein Avenida Albert Einstein, 627/701 , 05651-901 São Paulo - SP, Tel.: (55 11) 2151 0904 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil