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Technologies and products developed from access to Brazilian genetic heritage and associated traditional knowledge: a study of information resources related to the Atlantic Forest


Given the lack of structured information on technologies and products developed based on the biodiversity of Brazilian biomes - especially the flora of the Atlantic Forest - this study aims to identify and analyze alternative and complementary sources of information to the patent analysis process, which can contribute to the monitoring of technologies/products developed from access to genetic heritage and associated traditional knowledge. The mapping of information sources and the search and analysis strategies were supported by consultations with specialists, official websites, and scientific publications. The availability of information on access to the native flora of the Atlantic Forest was evaluated in the Genetic Heritage Management System, in patent databases, in the Brazilian Open Data Portal of the Federal Government, and in the public information systems of the Ministries of the Presidency of the Republic. The identification and analysis of access through the Genetic Heritage Management System are currently limited by the non-publication of information on the types of access and the products developed or notified, which limits the participation of society in the monitoring and improvement of access control mechanisms and requires the search for complementary alternative sources for the identification of technologies and products. Although widely used for that purpose, worldwide patent information is a reduced sample of the set. The combination of information resources mapped and evaluated in this research can be useful to evaluate and guide public policies in science, technology and innovation, conservation, and the fight against biopiracy involving the exploitation of Brazilian biodiversity.

technological information; patents; publicity of information; information retrieval; SisGen

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil