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Association between symbolic capital from citation and altmetrics indicators and institutional scientific capital: analysis of articles with bourdieusian theoretical reference


This research aims to observe whether the symbolic capital of social visibility arising from citation indicators and altmetrics may be associated with the institutional scientific capital. This is an exploratory research that has as sample corpus scientific articles supported by the Bourdieusian theoretical framework with high altmetric score. Through bibliometric analysis and the application of the chi-square association test, we intend to seek elements to make inferences about the academic and social index and the place of attachment of the authors of the articles. The results obtained with the application of the chi-square test to verify whether the authors' place of employment may indicate a higher citation index, a higher number of media mentions and Attention Altmetric Score, show that there is no relationship between these variables, which leads us to consider that in the context of this sample, the link to elite institutions did not influence the academic impact and social attention. From another perspective, the fact that the sample consists of 48.7% of institutions ranked among the top 200 institutions in The World University Rankings, is already a relevant indication of the influence of institutional capital on academic impact (citations) and social attention (altmetric indicators) of publications.

symbolic capital; institutional capital; traditional metrics; alternative metrics; Pierre Boudieu

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil