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The influence of learning styles on the application of information literacy activities


This article, resulting from the doctoral thesis, has the general objective to discuss the influence of the identification of Learning Styles in the application of Information Literacy activities and as specific objectives: (1) to characterize the profile of the participating subjects; (2) detect the Learning Styles that are determinant in a class; (3) develop and apply Information Literacy activities; (4) compare learning levels; and v) identify the relationship between Learning Styles and Information Literacy learning levels. Information Literacy is a teaching-learning process that aims to develop the subject skills and competencies to deal with information effectively and efficiently, focused on problem-solving and decision-making. Learning Styles collaborate in the development of instructional activities that consider the diversity of modes or preferences of each individual in understanding and assimilating information. The methodology, of a descriptive nature, has a qualitative and quantitative approach, whose investigation method is quasi-experimental. The data collection instruments are the questionnaire, the Learning Styles identification inventory, and the Information Literacy activities. The results indicate that, in the experimental group, the material produced was better classified than that presented by the control group; and indicate that identifying and using the Learning Styles favors the student's performance both in the execution of tasks and in the production of material resulting from teaching-learning.

information literacy; learning styles; teaching-learning

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil