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In the domain of Rock: from anthology to ontology of a musical genre


This article examines the Rock's domain from its historical, social, political, and market specificities. It seeks to understand, through its discursive community, its conceptual and terminological aspects in the light of the Knowledge Organization. The lack of coherence in the criteria for creating and using the terms that compose its terminology was problematized. It proposes to promote, through principles, methods, and instruments originating from the field of Knowledge Organization studies, an original treatment of the knowledge of the mentioned domain. It was an applied research that sought to promote the modeling and formalization of Rock, as a field of knowledge, through a domain ontology. For the collection, registration, and safeguarding of the terms, an electronic form was created. As criteria for preparing the data collection form, the origin, definition, related terms, and the source from which they were extracted were considered. The following tools were used to systematize the data: CmapTools, for the systematization of concepts through logical-semantic relations, and Protégé: an ontology editor used in the implementation of the generated conceptual system. The range of contributions arising from the principles of literary warranty and cultural warranty in the representation of knowledge in this domain was observed. The high degree of semantic expressiveness provided by ontology was also found to be a relevant factor in the ability to overcome conceptual and terminological dilemmas in the field. As a final product, a prototype was obtained, a knowledge base about Rock with the potential for applicability in broader contexts for recovering specialized information in this musical genre within digital contexts.

knowledge organization; rock; domain ontology; literary warranty; cultural warranty

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Rua Ramiro Barcelos, 2705, sala 519 , CEP: 90035-007., Fone: +55 (51) 3308- 2141 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil