Open-access Learning evaluation of the long-distance education: the students' perspective

The long-distance education is an important movement in the educational context which recently has gained space due to the impulse received by the development of the computer science tools and communication. So, the article is inserted in this context, abundance of technological resources, rapidity in communication, greater interactivity by Internet and requirement of capacity by the labor market. This work had as main goals: to evidence the position of the current education academics on the long-distance education methodology; to evaluate the strong and weak points of this new methodology in their points of view; and also to evaluate their perception in relation to the advantages and disadvantages of this method compared to the current one. A research with half-structured questionnaires was made with a group of 30 academics from a Higher Education Institution. As the results showed, the way how the academics have received and inserted themselves in the dynamics of the on line education deserves attention. The majority of the pupils are satisfied with the results and with the possibilities that this kind of education adds to their learning. It was verified that the academics recognize the importance of the Long-distance Education, although they still prefer the traditional model of education. We had better keep in mind that this is merely an exploratory study, where questions on the subject had been raised, and that these questions have to be better explored and discussed in other works, such as: how would the academics like to use the Moodle tool; what are the aspects or factors that motivate the long-distance study.

Long-distance Education; Learning evaluation; Education methodology

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil
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