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An emerging competency in school administration: cultural animation

The concept of administration is related to knowledge and practice, which lead the organizations to perform in terms of set objectives. School is the open space chosen by society to, through its actions, reach educational targets. The figure of cultural animator arises in Brazil in the 80's at schools inside or next to needy communities, and who starts to carry out a popular education process in general more connected to arts and physical fitness, as they are, in general, professionals in these areas. Whereas in Brazil there is no specific formation for this professional, in France the cultural animator has a university degree, encompassing a range of about 200.000 professionals. We propose in this work a change in direction of cultural animation in Brazilian schools, that is, it should be based on a position transcending popular education of the 80's to a "habermasian" concept of subjectivity development to enable individual autonomy, simultaneous to a communication action in near communities and involved with a project of professionalisation based on competencies.

Administration; Cultural animation; Professionalisation; Competencies

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil