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Alternative policies to school organization by grades: a way to the success?

This paper presents a review of the research literature on primary education policies in the last 15 years in Brazil aimed to reduce the repetition rate by means of the adoption of cycles and other alternatives to the traditional organization in grades. The basic goal is to find if these policies have contributed to improve or to reduce pupils' performance. The study selected 62 research projects, with diverse theoretical and methodological approaches. Results show that different experiences have risks and disadvantages, among them the rupture of the so called social contract for school, partially based on the repetition threat. Accelerated learning projects have showed positive results. However, the deeper the changes aimed toward the educational codes, the stronger are the resistances. Policies not seldom neglect careful implementation. Research projects involving larger populations find that new policies do not improve or reduce pupils' achievement significantly. The international literature emphasizes the importance of strong support to pupils with difficulties. Comparative studies also show that repetition is a cultural, often biased phenomenon. Conclusions warn that policies implemented in the country Brazil may reduce their focus to the mere increase of efficiency and reduction of costs, by correcting the distortion age-grade. Nevertheless, low levels of quality and equity may remain.

Primary education; Repetition; Cycles; Accelerated learning; Continuous promotion; Educational democratization; Comparative education

Fundação CESGRANRIO Revista Ensaio, Rua Santa Alexandrina 1011, Rio Comprido, 20261-903 , Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: + 55 21 2103 9600 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil