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Case study as a strategy for the development of argumentation in trainee teachers * * Translated by: Diego Jaramillo Palacio


Argumentation, as an indispensable activity in the construction of science, is also an option in school settings to bring students closer to public understanding of knowledge. The research work developed answers the question: How does the case study, used as a teaching and learning strategy for the theories of the Psychology of Learning, allow the development of argumentative processes in trainee teachers? The main objective is to identify the contribution of the application of the case study as a teaching and learning strategy of the Psychology of Learning to the development of the argumentative processes of trainee teachers of the Higher Normal School of Quindío. To respond to this objective, the didactic intervention was designed which constituted: 1) characterize the argumentative processes of the students, having as reference the Toulminian Model of Argumentation and the Argumentative Levels of Osborne (OSBORNE, 2009); 2) incorporate the case study as a strategy for the development of argumentation into the teaching processes of the Psychology of Learning; 3) characterize, after the application of the case study in Theories of Learning, the changes that occur in the argumentative levels of the students, again referenced in Toulmin and Osborne (TOULMIN, 2007; OSBORNE, 2009). Research work that, in addition to allowing us to understand that learning to argue is also learning to think, also supported learning processes on disciplinary issues in the area of the Psychology of Learning.

Argumentation; Case study; Problem solving; Psychology of learning; Trainee teacher

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil