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Academic consolidation of postgraduate teachers in education and teaching in well-evaluated programs


The present study aimed to compare the academic consolidation of the faculty of postgraduate programs, with concepts 6 and 7, in the areas of Education and Teaching. For the study, the intellectual production collected in the 2017-2020 quadrennium was considered. The study is comparative and characterized as exploratory, qualitative, and documentary. The study population was composed of permanent teachers of the postgraduate programs in the aforementioned areas who appear with the concepts. The corpus of this research consisted of documents extracted from the Lattes Platform, the Scopus indexing database the Google Scholar search engine. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The area of Education surpassed the area of Teaching in the variables Research Productivity (PQ) grant (22.58%±0.12 vs. 19.90%±0.10) and the h2 indices of the Scopus index base (4±1.00 vs. 3.89±1.59) and the Google Scholar search engine (13.07±3.47 vs. 10.22±2.35). The Education area predominated in the variables number of articles published in indexed journals (9.55±6.35 vs. 6.10±3.16) and h index in the Scopus indexing database (2.65±1.58 vs. 1.62±0.83), i10 index (18.43±5.35 vs. 16.31±6.34) and h (12.34±2.03 vs. 11.41±2.69) in the Google Scholar search engine. It is concluded that only the faculty of a postgraduate program around Teaching presents academic consolidation compatible with a high standard of excellence at an international level.

Internationalization; Academic production; Postgraduate programs

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