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Contributions to the construction of an assessment matrix for environmental education projects

Nowadays we witness a huge proliferation of environmental education projects, but a similar development cannot be observed with respect to the methods employed to evaluate these projects. The present article seeks to contribute to the process by constructing a matrix to evaluate this kind of project. Two projects developed in Petrópolis (RJ) having solid waste as their main issue were taken as test cases. The matrix analyzed the adherence of the projects Araras sem lixo (Waste-free Araras) and Petrópolis recicla (Petrópolis recycles) to the main public policies for the region and to the themes they elected. Thirteen questions were formulated to evaluate whether or not the projects were aligned with the assumptions of the chosen public policies. Each project could achieve a maximum of 39 and a minimum of 13 points overall, and they could be evaluated as: (i) not in accordance with the public policies analyzed (score between 13 and 21); (ii) partly in accordance (between 22 and 30 points); and (iii) in accordance (between 31 and 39 points). According to the assessment made, the Araras sem lixo Project had its principles and objectives partly in accordance with those proposed by the public policies analyzed, whereas the Petrópolis recicla Project turned out to be inadequate to the proposals of those public policies. The assessment matrix was shown to be an adequate instrument to evaluate and later compare projects of environmental education, and it can be adapted to various themes and realities.

Environmental education; Assessment of environmental education projects; Solid waste; Public policies

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil