Open-access Early Childhood Education Service in the State of São Paulo: Ways Foreseen in Municipal Education Plans


Contrary to the legal framework in place, which establishes the need to increase the offer of early childhood education for children from zero to five years old, the State has not yet been able to operate in order to meet this social and educational demand. Offering this education level is mainly the responsibility of municipalities, and they have failed to reach the goal of universal preschool education by 2016 as set forth by the National Education Plan (PNE 2014/2024). With regard to day-care centers, the government does not fulfill its obligation to meet the existing demand, thus restricting the access to education for children from zero to three years old to nearly insignificant figures, with day-care service being often provided by private institutions alone or in partnership with municipalities. This situation led to the development of a study that analyzed proposals presented in the Municipal Education Plans of municipalities in the Metropolitan Area of São Paulo with regard to early childhood education expansion targets and the service modalities foreseen to meet them, thus allowing to assess the potential to reverse the insufficient offer for children at this level of Basic Education. Data collected from the Plans show a tendency of insufficient articulation between the context diagnosis, the expansion goals established and the respective strategies and resources indicated to achieve them, therefore not supporting the assumption that these plans have the potential to meet the demand for early childhood education, especially with regard to day-care centers.

Right to early childhood education; Early childhood education offer; Municipal education plans; Metropolitan area of São Paulo

Faculdade de Educação da Universidade de São Paulo Av. da Universidade, 308 - Biblioteca, 1º andar 05508-040 - São Paulo SP Brasil, Tel./Fax.: (55 11) 30913520 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
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