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The essence and appearance in the curricular context of the degree in the geography course at the State University of Londrina* * The author take full responsibility for the translation of the text, including titles of books/articles and the quotations originally published in Portuguese.


The article analyzes the precepts of the Resolution number 02/2015 and the new curriculum aimed at the degree in geography course at the State University of Londrina (UEL) from the requirements of such regulation. Based on the dialectical method, the study addressed official documents, especially the specific formative axis of the teacher professionalization, and appreciated the analytical category defined here as appearance, having, as comparative support, other works in similar contexts and realities. During the analysis, due to the method, some questions are raised about the apparent plan of the object, recognizing that the appearance needs to be well elucidated, because, in many moments, they reveal to the observer the essence of the concrete. That said, when analyzing the syllabuses of the disciplines, it was possible to highlight some weaknesses in the training process of the geography teacher. Thus, it is considered that a licentiate degree is a course that must necessarily have an identity and be based on the theoretical foundations of Education. In this way, it is necessary to rethink the list of disciplines and their themes to encompass the understanding of the complexity of the professional field, thus avoiding thinking about the formation of the future geography teacher in a pragmatic and utilitarian perspective, aspects that are quite publicized in the academic literature on the field.

Education; Curriculum; Degree; Geography

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