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The social invisibility of Mapuche people in the teaching of History in Chile1 1 - The data set that supports the results of this study is not publicly available, given the data confidentiality protocols. You may request access to the data directly with the author via e-mail at This work was supported by CONICYT BCH/DOCTORADO 72180226. * * English version by Bora Hysi. The authors take full responsibility for the translation of the text, including titles of books/articles and the quotations originally published in Portuguese.


This article proposes a substantive theory intended to explain the Mapuche people’s social invisibility phenomenon in the History and Social Sciences school curriculum, based on what elementary school teachers think, say and do in Chile. The research method was designed using Grounded Theory through its systematic and reflexive modality.This study was developed by means of a triangulation method combining questionnaires, interviews and participant observations, applied to elementary school teachers. The investigation integrated the different elements of Grounded theory into an organizational scheme that included the structure proposed by Strauss and Corbin (2002)STRAUSS, Anselm; CORBIN, Juliet. Bases de la investigación cualitativa: técnicas y procedimientos para desarrollar la teoría fundamentada. Antioquia: Universidad de Antioquia, 2002. and the research process for the purpose of developing our theory. The data codification process was conducted with the help of ATLAS.ti software. The results show an oficial knowledge policy that operates within the curriculum and makes the Mapuche history and memory invisible in the History school curriculum. Furthermore, there are certain mechanisms that intervene in the maintenance of this social invisibility, such as standardized tests, the professional development of elementary school teachers and the educational community.

History teaching; Mapuche culture; Cultural diversity; Curriculum design

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