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University students' attitudes towards pornographic material consumption

The expansion of the pornographic material market raises the question of the influence of the values transmitted by the media in people's behavior. Despite the apparent interest in sexuality by the society in general, Brazil lacks studies on this topic, which has not yet been deeply discussed. This study describes the elaboration and validation of a psychometric instrument for the measuring of attitudes towards the consumption of pornographic material, answered by 336 university students and submitted to a factor analysis. 33 items were built in order to cover two dimensions, presenting adequate reliability scores: (1) "Positive effects of pornography", expressing the idea that pornographic material is favorable to sexual life (alpha = 0.94) and (2) "Harmful effects of pornography", which expresses the idea that this same material is noxious to intimate relationships and it is associated to vice and isolation (alpha = 0.85).

attitudes; pornography; consumption

Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicobiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Caixa Postal 1622, 59078-970 Natal RN Brazil, Tel.: +55 84 3342-2236(5) - Natal - RN - Brazil