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Facet Theory: basic notions

Facet Theory is a meta-theoretical approach to research. It offers a formal frame of reference for theory construction and hypothesis building, uses methods that require a minimum of statistical assumptions, and interrelates research design, data collection and statistical analysis systematically. In this article, the basic components of Facet Theory are outlined, the application of Similarity Structure Analysis, a method frequently used in the context of Facet Theory, is illustrated, and the different roles that facets are likely to play in multidimensional analysis are sketched out. This is accomplished by using examples from motivational and values research, as well as studies on fear of crime.

Facet Theory; research design; multidimensional scaling; regional hypotheses

Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicologia e do Programa de Pós-graduação em Psicobiologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte Caixa Postal 1622, 59078-970 Natal RN Brazil, Tel.: +55 84 3342-2236(5) - Natal - RN - Brazil