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Investigating literacy discipline matrices developed for youngsters, adults and elderly individuals: what do their propositions suggest?


The present article provides the results of a study focused on learning about and analyzing propositions in literacy discipline matrices developed for the Youth and Adult Education (YAE) modality in place in Rio de Janeiro State’s municipalities. The research was carried out in the Undergraduate Teaching Incentive Program (Prodocência) of the Education School at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ). The study addresses three interconnected topics: YAE, literacy and discipline matrix. Therefore, its theoretical-methodological contributions are an attempt to integrate these fields. The research followed the methodological design based on qualitative approach, and it included the need of knowing and acknowledging discipline matrix propositions, and of questioning how they apply to YAE subjects in order to ensure the right to education for all. At the same time literacy in the herein analyzed modality and its principles was also assessed to update concepts and reasoning on education contexts. Results point towards mismatch between the observed propositions and the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), mainly when it comes to YAE invisibility in this document. In addition, the study highlights the lack of propositions by municipal education networks, such as those focused on the necessary continuous/permanent teachers’ qualification, as well as on literacy concepts to guide discipline matrices and inter-generation approaches.

Youth and Adult Education (EJA); Literacy; Discipline Matrix; Teacher Training


O artigo apresenta os principais resultados de uma pesquisa que tem como objetivo principal conhecer e analisar as propostas curriculares de alfabetização na modalidade da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) em municípios do estado do Rio de Janeiro. A pesquisa situa-se no âmbito do Programa de Incentivo à Docência na Graduação (Prodocência), vinculado à Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). O estudo aborda três temáticas interligadas: EJA, alfabetização e currículo. Assim sendo, os aportes teórico-metodológicos partem da intenção de integrar estes campos. Baseado em uma pesquisa documental, de abordagem qualitativa, o desenho metodológico da pesquisa compreende a necessidade de conhecer e reconhecer as propostas curriculares, questionando-as sobre o atendimento aos sujeitos da EJA, no sentido do cumprimento da garantia do direito à educação para todos. Ao mesmo tempo, mobiliza olhares para a alfabetização na modalidade e seus princípios, atualizando conceitos e refletindo sobre os contextos educacionais. As principais conclusões da pesquisa apontam o “alinhamento” inadequado das propostas curriculares à Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC), principalmente em relação à invisibilidade da EJA no documento. O estudo assinala ainda, nas propostas das redes municipais, a ausência de uma formação docente continuada/permanente e a falta, tanto de concepções de alfabetização que orientem os currículos, quanto de intergeracionalidade.

Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA); Alfabetização; Currículo; Formação Docente


Youth and Adults Education (YAE) is a Basic Education teaching modality applied to elementary and high school. It has its own features (pedagogical model, discipline matrix, didactic material, schedules, spaces, evaluation processes, among others) and defined functions. It aims at ensuring a right that has been historically denied: equal access to education, school permanence conditions and meaningful learning for youngsters, adults and elderly individuals, with or without previous school trajectories (Brasil, 2000). Yet, it also encompasses the so-called life-lasting learning when it comes to the continuous education context to ensure the right to education for all.

YAE is a teaching modality presenting its own peculiarities, which are different from teaching focused on children and adolescents. It demands teachers with special qualification; therefore, some public universities have invested in the initial qualification of teachers willing to work in this field (Paiva; Fernandes, 2016PAIVA, Jane; FERNANDES, Fátima Lobato. Da concepção à prática de formação inicial: a EJA no currículo de pedagogia. Revista Teias, v. 17, ed. esp., p. 25-42, 2016.
). The need of such a qualification regards these professionals work in different social human-formation spaces, where one also finds young, adult and elderly students.

Given Brazil’s illiteracy data in the last National Survey based on Continuous Residency Sample, also known as Continuous PNAD (IBGE, 2023), there are approximately 9.6 million people over 15 years (5.6%). Thus, it is important thinking about qualifying YEA teachers at initial years, and it must reflect on literacy processes and problematize discipline matrix propositions for this sector. Although Rio de Janeiro State has 2.1% of illiterate people in Continuous PNAD, this number represents approximately 300 thousand people over 15 years old in this modality. It is necessary facing these indices and acknowledging that the illiteracy situation derives from social, economic, racial and educational inequality, rather than from individuals, themselves - it is the very example of an excluding social structure (Haddad; Siqueira, 2015HADDAD, Sergio; SIQUEIRA, Filomena. Analfabetismo entre jovens e adultos no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Alfabetização, v. 1, n. 2, p. 88-110, 2015.

The present research introduces three intertwined topics: YAE, literacy and discipline matrix. Its theoretical-methodological inputs substantiate the attempt to gather these fields. The discussion on literacy in YAE modality is linked to problematizing what is expected from the process to form individuals presenting low schooling, or no schooling at all, their current social demands and their motivation to go to school. It is essential thinking about teachers’ initial and continuous qualification to help developing pedagogical practices capable of responding to a broadened concept of literacy (like elaborating and appropriating the alphabetic writing system) and to YAE students’ educational demands. This is the only way to accomplish a significant work from the literacy perspective, and it must take into account students’ previous knowledge about literature and writing, so they can better evolve within this process (Ferreira et al., 2013FERREIRA, Andréa Tereza Brito; ALBUQUERQUE, Eliana Borges C. de; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de; FERREIRA, Josemar Guedes. Práticas dos professores alfabetizadores da EJA: o que fazem os professores, o que pensam os seus alunos? Educação em Revista, v. 29, n. 3, p. 177-198, 2013.

Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to introduce the main findings of a research named “Discipline Matrix of/in Youth and Adults Education: investigating propositions to literacy in Rio de Janeiro municipalities”. This research has been conducted at Program to Incentive Teaching in Graduation (Prodocência), which started in 2022 and is bond to the Education School of State University of Rio de Janeiro (EURJ). The main goal of this research is to get to know and to analyze YAE literacy discipline matrix propositions in several education networks; it also aims at making the in-depth and comparative assessment of presented discipline matrix propositions in light of YAE theoretical references and of specificities of individuals assisted by this modality; and of contributing to qualify college students (scholarship holders) willing to teach in YAE.

The research was guided by the following questions in order to assess the discipline matrix propositions focused on literacy in municipal education networks: how do propositions for YAE literacy discipline matrices emerge in different municipalities in Rio de Janeiro State? Do discipline matrices take into consideration YAE modality and its students’ peculiarities? What are the literacy concepts presented in these discipline matrix propositions? Are they supported by and related to YAE National Discipline Matrix Guidelines (Brasil, 2000)? Are they in compliance with the National Common Discipline Matrix Basis (BNCC), as shown in YAE Operational Guidelines (Brasil, 2021)?

The documental research based on the qualitative approach aimed at the in-depth investigation of discipline matrix propositions focused on literacy/first segment of Elementary School. In order to do so, it was substantiated by classic studies on discipline matrix (those addressing the authors’ theories/research on this field) and the specific discipline matrices in/of YAE. These studies are carried out on a weekly basis by the coordinator and by scholarship holder students - group of students enrolled in the Pedagogy bachelor course who were selected for the project, which is expected to last for 24 months. Results in the present study comprise the first and second stages of this research, which are featured by the first contact with the propositions and by the initial observation guided by research questions.

The herein adopted methodological design is linked to the need of getting to know and of acknowledging discipline matrix propositions and to question how they meet the needs of YAE students. It must be done to ensure the right to education for all. Simultaneously, the study mobilizes the sight over literacy in this modality and its principles by updating concepts and reasoning about the education context. The challenge of thinking about discipline matrices for YAE literacy means acknowledging the reality of each system, school and community. Thus, discipline matrix propositions in this modality must connect to these realities, cultures and diversity by seeing the discipline matrix as permanent elaboration process, as territory under dispute (Serra, 2017SERRA, Enio. Currículo e docência na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. In: SERRA, Enio; MOURA, Ana Paula Abreu (org.). Educação de Jovens e Adultos em debate. Jundiaí: Paco, 2017. p. 25-52.). Therefore, the present study is an attempt to measure contexts where YAE discipline matrices are produced, from the political discourse to their production and practice (Lopes; Macedo, 2022LOPES, Alice Casimiro; MACEDO, Elizabeth. Teorias de currículo. 8. reimp. São Paulo: Cortez, 2022.).

Necessary reflection about literacy and YAE discipline matrix

It is important observing the concepts following and guiding the pedagogical actions based on studies about literacy in YAE modality by understanding the social demands of the involved individuals. It is also essential knowing the discipline matrix thought and practiced in education institutions because it is “intrinsically formed by these two dimensions - proposition and practice - with intertwined meanings that are constantly re-elaborated” (Torres; Dias; Lopes, 2011TORRES, Wagner Nobrega; DIAS, Rosanne Evangelista; LOPES, Alice Casimiro. O que dizem os estudos da EJA sobre políticas de currículo? In: SOUZA, José dos Santos; SALES, Sandra Regina (org.). Educação de Jovens e Adultos: políticas e práticas educativas. Rio de Janeiro: NAU/ EDUR, 2011. p. 133-156., p. 150). Thus, reasoning about literacy and discipline matrix in YAE has been observed in classes about this modality; not as dichotomous actions, but by taking into account the “re-contextualization of practices in propositions and of propositions in the practices” (Lopes, 2006 apud Torres; Dias; Lopes, 2011, p. 150).

This re-contextualization effort aims at facing challenges posed on YAE in the last few years, when one could observe its invisibility within education public policies. This process has been leading to its erasure in official documents, such as in BNCC (Carvalho et al., 2020CARVALHO, Kely Rejane Souza dos Anjos; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, Ciro Ferreira de; SANTOS, Jocyleia Santana dos; SOUSA, Graciene Reis de. Trajetória, avanços e perspectivas da EJA face à BNCC. Educação em Revista, v. 21, n. 2, p. 51-64, 2020.
). This invisibility is the consequence of extinguishing and/or discontinuing programs, projects and policies focused on YAE in the Ministry of Education. In addition, classrooms and schools providing this modality have been closed countrywide due to constant decrease in the number of YAE enrollments in Basic Education, as a whole (Haddad; Siqueira, 2015HADDAD, Sergio; SIQUEIRA, Filomena. Analfabetismo entre jovens e adultos no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Alfabetização, v. 1, n. 2, p. 88-110, 2015.

Thus, reasoning on the proposed discipline matrices focused on YAE literacy means observing needs highlighted by pedagogical practices and acknowledging this modality as way to ensure the right of education for all. Literacy pedagogical practices in YAE and discipline matrices need to be thought of based on understanding how individuals learn, how they build knowledge and how they connect this learning to/in their daily lives (Leal; Morais, 2013LEAL, Telma Ferraz; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de. O aprendizado do sistema de escrita alfabética: uma tarefa complexa, cujo funcionamento precisamos compreender. In: LEAL, Telma Ferraz; ALBUQUERQUE, Eliana Borges Correia de; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de (org.). Alfabetizar letrando na EJA: fundamentos teóricos e propostas didáticas. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2013. p. 31-48.) as human and full formation instrument. Understanding the learning pedagogical specificities of YAE students means putting them on the very core of the education process.

Students’ centrality in the literacy process aims at forming the subject of the writing. Nowadays, it can acknowledge itself as culture producer capable of giving meaning to practices based on reading and writing as social autonomy and emancipation instruments, rather than as domestication tool. It is necessary having critical qualification focused on qualifying students’ culture, previous knowledge and peculiarities (Calháu, 2020CALHÁU, Socorro. O sujeito da escrita: fronteiras e domínios da alfabetização e do letramento na EJA. Curitiba: CRV, 2020.). This sense of literacy brings the possibility of articulating students’ school learning and personal experiences to classroom assignments, and it re-signifies the role of school in YAE.

According to Arroyo (2008ARROYO, Miguel Gonzáles. Indagações sobre currículo: educandos e educadores: seus direitos e o currículo. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Básica, 2008., p. 46),

[...] guiding ourselves by students’ logic as subjects of the right to full formation in discipline matrix organization [means] respecting the specificities of each life stage means radically reorganizing what to teach and what to learn […].

The discipline matrix thought and applied to YAE cannot diminish individuals’ knowledge, experiences, contexts and reality. Yet, it needs to denaturalize and problematize knowledge selection and production by questioning school knowledge as the only kind of knowledge (Serra, 2017SERRA, Enio. Currículo e docência na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. In: SERRA, Enio; MOURA, Ana Paula Abreu (org.). Educação de Jovens e Adultos em debate. Jundiaí: Paco, 2017. p. 25-52.).

Thus, research aimed at investigating how discipline matrices in municipal education networks approach literacy actually targets literacy acknowledgement propositions as process to elaborate the alphabetic writing system, which is not limited to knowing letters and sounds. It implies knowing how a given language works in all its dimensions: reading and understanding what is read, as well as organizing ideas through writing, at all its conventions, by adjusting the writing to communication situations and to established criteria (Spala; Machado; Lopes, 2018SPALA, Fátima Terezinha; MACHADO, Maria Letícia Cautela de Almeida; LOPES, Paula da Silva Vidal Cid. Relações entre componentes curriculares e modos autorais de ensinar na alfabetização. Revista Contemporânea de Educação, v. 13, n. 27, 2018.
). This process explains the relevance of distinguishing what discipline matrix propositions point out as the proper literacy to the YAE modality in order to contribute to its students’ emancipation and autonomy.

Understanding literacy as emancipation and autonomy instrument helps broadening the debate on literacy, from the discursive perspective, as response to literates’ social demands. This perspective acknowledges discursive associations between individuals, and it points towards text as fundamental utterance, which is found in human interaction, social production and activity (Souza, 2016SOUZA, Marta Lima de. Educação de Jovens e Adultos: a alfabetização em perspectiva discursiva. Olh@res, v. 4, n. 1, p. 125-141, 2016.
). Therefore, dialogical associations are essential to the literacy process, since they help forming the subject of the discourse and building its utterance. According to Freire (1996FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. São Paulo: Paz e Terra, 1996.), the dialogue plays key role in literacy education as dialectic-problematizing process valuing different knowledge types and critical awareness construction. Thus, one can conceive updating the literacy concept, which exceeds school practices, and see individuals as culture and knowledge producers, as stated by Ferreira et al. (2013FERREIRA, Andréa Tereza Brito; ALBUQUERQUE, Eliana Borges C. de; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de; FERREIRA, Josemar Guedes. Práticas dos professores alfabetizadores da EJA: o que fazem os professores, o que pensam os seus alunos? Educação em Revista, v. 29, n. 3, p. 177-198, 2013.
, p. 183):

Accordingly, mother language learning propositions linked to understanding several texts present in society narrows the association between written culture and school culture, and it makes the teaching/learning process much more meaningful for students.

The arguments about literacy, from the discursive perspective, have been mostly observed in YAE, as well as its principles and assumptions, which highlight the need of carrying out a contextualized and meaningful work with youngsters, adults and elderly individuals. This work must respect these individuals’ peculiarities, life history and previous school trajectories. Therefore, it is essential highlighting the relevance of paying close attention to teachers’ qualification, since it must take into account this broadened literacy process. In order to do so, this qualification must problematize pedagogical practices by ruling out the technical and instrumental literacy to open room for actions linked to students’ reality.

Thus, one can observe the straight relationship between YAE literacy discipline matrices and the need of teachers’ initial and/or continuous/permanent qualification. It is necessary pointing out that writing and reading learning, and that teachers’ qualification, are bond to elaborating and appropriating the alphabetic writing system, as provided on Opinion n. 11/2000 (Brasil, 2000, p. 56): “qualifying a teacher focused on YAE must include, besides formative demands for all teachers, those related to the differential complexity of this teaching modality”.

This YAE differential complexity regards the diversity observed in the classroom (age, gender, ethnicity, residence location, religion, family profile, school trajectory, parents’ schooling, access to technology, insertion in the labor market - or not -, among others), as well as individuals’ learning demands in this modality. Given such a reality, one can question different theoretical concepts substantiating discipline matrices, some of which even bet on “discursive formations taking place through meaning displacement based on contextual and contingent demands” and on concepts that assume “educational projects shaping the very political game” (Souza; Borges, 2023SOUZA, Bárbara Rocha; BORGES, Verônica. Currículo: disputas pela estabilização de um conhecimento “necessário, válido e útil”. Educar em Revista, v. 39, e85938, 2023.
, p. 12).

It is possible picturing other ways to set work propositions for the YAE modality if one has in mind the lack of a YAE discipline matrix policy in BNCC. Therefore, Carvalho et al. (2020CARVALHO, Kely Rejane Souza dos Anjos; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, Ciro Ferreira de; SANTOS, Jocyleia Santana dos; SOUSA, Graciene Reis de. Trajetória, avanços e perspectivas da EJA face à BNCC. Educação em Revista, v. 21, n. 2, p. 51-64, 2020.
) suggest the elaboration of a YAE discipline matrix focused on contextualizing local realities and on fully differentiated strategies specifically aimed at teaching. Yet, they stated that the discipline matrix must be a tool encouraging students to promote and build their own identities, and to contribute to both their permanence in school and learning.

The herein introduced study is an attempt to collaborate to reflections about YAE pedagogical practice propositions based on acknowledging disputes in the discipline matrix field and on understanding associations between this matrix and school knowledge, when it comes to the literacy process. Thus, the research methodological design is described in the next section.

Meanings of the discipline matrix investigation process

Prodocência group has been leaning on authors in the YAE literacy field and on its discipline matrices to reach the aims of the present study, as well as to understand the associations set by recent research. This group has also sought discipline matrix answers for literacy in this modality among municipal YAE managerial teams. The study’s first stage aimed at getting in contact with managers in 90 of the 92 municipalities in the state1 1 Two education networks in Rio de Janeiro do not offer vacancies for the YAE modality. . This communication was made through electronic pages, e-mail and on social networks of Education Secretariats.

The main difficulty faced at this stage lied on the fact that it was not possible getting in touch with YAE managers of municipal networks. It is known that many networks provide their institutional information on the internet or on social networks. However, some networks do not even have YAE coordination in the secretariats, or they do not provide updated contacts for this modality. Thus, it was common to do not have any return from the sent out e-mails; it was not always possible getting in contact by phone. Some responses took more than 2 months to come in.

Yet, the momentum of each network was another barrier, since these municipalities do not have the means to make their discipline matrix propositions available, because it remains under elaboration. The networks must comply with the discipline matrix guidelines in BNCC, as provided on the Operational Guidelines of Resolution n. 1/2021 by the Ministry of Education (Brasil, 2021). It was necessary reformulating the project schedule due to all these challenges.

Given the aforementioned barriers, it was only possible accessing 36 discipline matrix propositions2 2 Initially, there were 37 discipline matrix propositions, but one of the networks did not provide YAE at the first cycle of Elementary School, so its proposition was excluded from the analysis. . These documents were read and the group started their analysis to better understand what has been prescribed as pedagogical practice for youngsters, adults and elderly individuals enrolled in these municipalities’ schools, in light of the research questions.

Analysis criteria were elaborated so the group could turn its sight to discipline matrix documents. Among criteria set for this first stage, one finds discipline matrix publication year, how the municipality organizes YAE, if the discipline matrix is set as list of contents, if it specifies its aims, if it identifies formation axes, if it provides guidelines for the practice, if it has prescriptive profile, if it is in compliance with BNCC, if it values students’ general knowledge, if it opens room for different local-reality contexts, if it covers teachers’ qualification, if it mentions the theoretical references used in its elaboration, if it foresees reviews and if it takes into consideration the inter-generation of YAE individuals.

The following aspects were taken into account as analysis criteria at the second research stage: identity traces expressed in the discipline matrix, formative intentions declared in the discipline matrix; definition of youngsters, adults and elderly individuals addressed in the discipline matrix; teachers’ perspective and their assumptions, if the discipline matrix acknowledges and respects the peculiarities of youngsters, adults and elderly individuals; if it contributes to YAE national Discipline Matrix Guidelines, dialogue between Discipline Matrix and BNCC, and how the Discipline Matrix helps forming YAE readers and writers.

Below, the text provides some considerations about the reasoning resulting from the close look over the gathered documents, based on the aforementioned research questions and descriptive criteria.

What is said in the discipline matrix propositions regarding youth, adults and elderly individuals’ literacy?

The move towards investigating YAE discipline matrix propositions in Rio de Janeiro’s municipal education networks was substantiated by the careful reading of documents and by the in-depth study analysis supported by the theoretical references, and by the established questions and criteria. According to initial data, there are few discipline matrices that do not comply with YAE, such as the case of, at least, eight propositions. Some, among them, only provide the sectors’ workload, some others only provide a list of contents to be addressed or only a resolution mentioning YAE, but they do not deepen the prescribed matrix for this modality. Although they are called YAE discipline matrices, these propositions appear inappropriate or incomplete, because they do not provide the necessary guidelines for this pedagogical work. This discipline matrix presentation format is the consequence of YAE invisibility in education systems and of lack of articulation among Municipal Education Secretariats when it comes to this modality.

On the other hand, not having a specific guideline for YAE discipline matrices may allow creating school propositions regarding teachers, students and other individuals in school communities. Serra (2017SERRA, Enio. Currículo e docência na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. In: SERRA, Enio; MOURA, Ana Paula Abreu (org.). Educação de Jovens e Adultos em debate. Jundiaí: Paco, 2017. p. 25-52., p. 41) suggests the elaboration of discipline matrices substantiated by the autonomy and authorship featuring the democratic management. According to him,

[…] if the discipline matrix construction is democratic, it must be collective, i.e., it must express the faculty’s conflicts and consensus, it must also take into consideration students’ concrete reality and […] their interpretations of experienced space and time typical of popular classes.

Locally elaborated discipline matrices can be important tools to acknowledge and value the reality of YAE individuals. Therefore, they also help continuous/permanent teachers’ qualification because they enable reasoning about, questioning and validating teachers’ intellectual role (Serra, 2017SERRA, Enio. Currículo e docência na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. In: SERRA, Enio; MOURA, Ana Paula Abreu (org.). Educação de Jovens e Adultos em debate. Jundiaí: Paco, 2017. p. 25-52.).

Arroyo (2008ARROYO, Miguel Gonzáles. Indagações sobre currículo: educandos e educadores: seus direitos e o currículo. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Básica, 2008.) also addresses the construction of discipline matrices based on collective work. According to him, collective work guides curricular organization in Basic Education and tends to allow producing and selecting knowledge types, materials and pedagogical resources that can help collective authorship. This authorship adds to the logic of what to teach and to learn by questioning how knowledge is organized in the discipline matrix, as well as how they are organized, based on what fundamentals, hierarchies, previous elements and on times and spaces. However, it is not herein possible stating that lack of YAE in the eight discipline matrix propositions is related to the intention of having more autonomous school units to set their work procedures.

The present investigation also showed that 36 discipline matrix propositions were elaborated after 2011, i.e., these are relatively recent documents; 33 of them were elaborated from 2016, onwards. It was observed that 15 propositions were in compliance with BNCC, as provided on CNE/CEB Resolution n. 1/2021, which provides on this measure. Actually, given this modality’s invisibility in BNCC (Carvalho et al., 2020CARVALHO, Kely Rejane Souza dos Anjos; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, Ciro Ferreira de; SANTOS, Jocyleia Santana dos; SOUSA, Graciene Reis de. Trajetória, avanços e perspectivas da EJA face à BNCC. Educação em Revista, v. 21, n. 2, p. 51-64, 2020.
), compliance proposed in the Resolution became inappropriate, it did not represent an actual inclusion, because it does not take into account YAE specificities, as shown in CNE/CEB Opinion n. 11/2000, for more than two decades. Overall, gathering YAE and BNCC means selecting goals and competences expressed in the document, and fitting them in the modality without any deep reasoning about the most appropriate discipline matrix for individuals’ reality and YAE classrooms.

The aim was to identify the definition of youngster, adults and elderly individuals addressed in the discipline matrices to find an example of such‘compliance’. It must be done to better understand how these matrices see YAE individuals. From this viewpoint, these 15 propositions approach the axis known as “the subject and its place in the world”. YAE propositions copy this model and equally screen the goals to be met by this modality’s students, without changing the text and the format. They do not express their understanding of YAE subjects’ specificities (Brasil, 2000), but they rather corroborate BNCC’s text when it comes to the sense of belonging and to identity.

It is essential problematizing what BNCC points out as students’ “place in the world” because, based on how the axis is introduced, it seems to be a place in the world destined to students, be them children, youngsters, adults or elderly individuals. This concept expresses a sense of fatalism, of inexorability of history, as if school would only help subjects to acknowledge their place in the world, a place that is already destined to them. Accordingly, one can see what Freire (2000FREIRE, Paulo. Pedagogia da indignação: cartas pedagógicas e outros escritos. São Paulo: UNESP, 2000., p. 122) reported when he stated that such practices “[…] set the inexorability of the future, which necessarily implies the death of dream and utopia. Education becomes training, almost dressage, in using techniques”.

The aforementioned example shows that most discipline matrices extracted the skills to be achieved by students from BNCC. This finding evidences the simple adequacy of learning aiming at elements set by BNCC to YAE, without acknowledging the specificities of the assisted individuals, by disregarding that

[…] as education policy, BNCC is edited as guiding reference for school discipline matrices’ reformulation and for national evaluation processes. But, based on their content, there are no contents, methods and specificities exclusively focused on YAE (Carvalho et al., 2020CARVALHO, Kely Rejane Souza dos Anjos; CARVALHO JÚNIOR, Ciro Ferreira de; SANTOS, Jocyleia Santana dos; SOUSA, Graciene Reis de. Trajetória, avanços e perspectivas da EJA face à BNCC. Educação em Revista, v. 21, n. 2, p. 51-64, 2020.
, p. 57).

According to research results, these 15 propositions are in compliance with provisions on article 13 of CNE/CEB Resolution n. 1/2021, namely: YAE discipline matrices must ensure the learning rights and goals expressed in competences and skills, based on BNCC (Brasil, 2021). However, given YAE invisibility in the BNCC document, it is clear that any discipline matrix that only copies topics, knowledge objects and skills from this text will most likely be inappropriate.

Thus, it is worth highlighting that there are 13 documents in the group of assessed propositions mostly contributing to (re)thinking YAE modality discipline matrices (Arroyo, 2008ARROYO, Miguel Gonzáles. Indagações sobre currículo: educandos e educadores: seus direitos e o currículo. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Básica, 2008.). It is so, because they meet the process to acknowledge the profile of assisted individuals by valuing their identity and culture. These propositions are featured by the fact of not complying with what is proposed in BNCC, but they develop discipline matrices focused on these individuals’ reality and specificities. YAE subjects in these discipline matrices are acknowledged as workers, and their labor world guides the education practices. Simultaneously, they value YAE full formation, and it exceeds the instrumental and utilitarian pedagogical deed. These discipline matrices deserved special attention at the second research stage.

With respect to the structure of the 13 propositions that stood out among the analyzed ones, 12 municipalities presented discipline matrix document with formation goals and/or axes. Most of them (10 propositions) provided guidelines for the practice, i.e., they showed how possible it is to put such matrix in practice in school environment. Despite the most traditional perspectives linked to elaborating these propositions, this discipline matrix structure points out the ways to YAE schools’ pedagogical formation and deeds. It was observed that these documents contextualize YAE history in Brazil, from the first literacy campaigns back in the 20th century, to YAE implementation in municipalities and the analysis of nowadays reality. Based on this configuration, the propositions organize their goals/axes/contents to get articulated to guidelines on how to work in the classroom. It is possible noticing that these ten documents were elaborated as propositions to open room for (re)contextualization (Serra, 2017SERRA, Enio. Currículo e docência na Educação de Jovens e Adultos. In: SERRA, Enio; MOURA, Ana Paula Abreu (org.). Educação de Jovens e Adultos em debate. Jundiaí: Paco, 2017. p. 25-52.), since they suggest that discipline matrices must respond to some demands of school contexts.

As for the herein assessed content, eight discipline matrices valued the knowledge brought in by YAE students, as well as open room for different contexts of local realities. This process favors the dialogue set with reality and the experiences of young, adult and elderly students. They meet the popular education principles. These propositions take into account students’ life trajectories and histories. It is possible inferring that discipline matrix documents not only bring the contents to be assessed, but they also provide a structure aimed at building the autonomy and emancipation of individuals assisted by this modality. This concern with students’ formation complies with the National YAE Discipline Matrix Guidelines (Brasil, 2000), but there are important issues in YAE reasoning that are not even found in many of the assessed propositions.

Elements linked to missing points in discipline matrix propositions

Research results have pointed out that only 1 of the 36 discipline matrix propositions addresses teachers’ qualification, i.e., it has joint actions by YAE teachers as one of its goals, and it would be achieved through Discipline Matrix implementation. From this perspective, it is important taking into consideration that the accuracy of a discipline matrix document is not enough for its appropriate adjustment to schools and teachers. It is essential planning teachers’ continuous/permanent qualification, and the plan must be available in the discipline matrix, and discussed and questioned by those who work in the classroom. If the proposition does not guide this qualification process, there will hardly be a work to put it in place, in practice.

YAE teachers’ qualification is essential, mainly that presenting continuous/permanent profile (Arroyo, 2008ARROYO, Miguel Gonzáles. Indagações sobre currículo: educandos e educadores: seus direitos e o currículo. Brasília: Ministério da Educação, Secretaria de Educação Básica, 2008.). It is so, because this modality often holds teachers lacking initial qualification to work with youngsters, adults and older adults. With respect to discipline matrix, teachers must know the discipline matrices proposed by education networks, not just because of lack of initial qualification, but to get to know and to interfere with updates and/or changes in them, mainly in those referring to reading and writing knowledge.

The research also shows that just as there is lack of teachers’ qualification in the proposed discipline matrices, it is also clear that literacy concepts are used in YAE. Only two of all analyzed documents expressed what is understood as YAE literacy. Thus, when it comes to the literacy process, there is still a long way to be taken in order to reinforce this practice inside the systems. It must be done to acknowledge the necessary formation of the subject of writing (Calháu, 2020CALHÁU, Socorro. O sujeito da escrita: fronteiras e domínios da alfabetização e do letramento na EJA. Curitiba: CRV, 2020.) for nowadays social demands.

It is known that YAE is not limited to literacy, it exceeds this stage (Haddad; Siqueira, 2015HADDAD, Sergio; SIQUEIRA, Filomena. Analfabetismo entre jovens e adultos no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Alfabetização, v. 1, n. 2, p. 88-110, 2015.
), because struggles to get inserted in the education system aim at the right to education as process, as Basic Education. Yet, it is necessary taking into account that learning the alphabetic writing system is a complex task, as stated by Leal and Morais (2013LEAL, Telma Ferraz; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de. O aprendizado do sistema de escrita alfabética: uma tarefa complexa, cujo funcionamento precisamos compreender. In: LEAL, Telma Ferraz; ALBUQUERQUE, Eliana Borges Correia de; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de (org.). Alfabetizar letrando na EJA: fundamentos teóricos e propostas didáticas. Belo Horizonte: Autêntica, 2013. p. 31-48.). According to them, it is necessary understanding teachers as mediators who introduce didactic situations to help students in their own trajectory. It is essential reasoning about how the alphabetic writing system gets organized and about the ways for students to appropriate such knowledge. It is possible observing that lack of a concept of a more transparent literacy in discipline matrix documents can stop decontextualized and childish practices that can lead to a mechanical and alienated reading and writing learning.

The formation of the subject of writing, in the sense of literacy from its own perspective, must help subjects’ emancipation and autonomy. It can be seen in discipline matrix propositions, but not for practice prescription, but for understanding literacy based on the assisted subjects and on their reality as youngsters, adults and elderly individuals, workers and culture producers. It is important pointing out the literacy principles and assumptions exceeding the discussion on teaching methods. They must question the school role in YAE, in the formation of these subjects and in reaching their dreams and conquests. They often get literate, but,

[…] this conviviality with the literate culture has not responded to the subjects of writing, to text producers and to consumers of written materials available for all competent readers, as we and they expected them to be (Calháu, 2020CALHÁU, Socorro. O sujeito da escrita: fronteiras e domínios da alfabetização e do letramento na EJA. Curitiba: CRV, 2020., p. 35).

Ferreira et al. (2013FERREIRA, Andréa Tereza Brito; ALBUQUERQUE, Eliana Borges C. de; MORAIS, Artur Gomes de; FERREIRA, Josemar Guedes. Práticas dos professores alfabetizadores da EJA: o que fazem os professores, o que pensam os seus alunos? Educação em Revista, v. 29, n. 3, p. 177-198, 2013.
) used their analysis to report that several literacy practices in YAE still have a non-systematic and fragmented profile. These practices are based on copies, on repetition assignments, and on texts extracted from infant handbooks, rather than from reflections about the alphabetic writing. Thus, the aforementioned authors state the relevance of conducting a significant YAE literacy work, from a discursive perspective, that takes into account students’ previous knowledge about literature and writing in order to make them go on in the literacy process. Souza (2016SOUZA, Marta Lima de. Educação de Jovens e Adultos: a alfabetização em perspectiva discursiva. Olh@res, v. 4, n. 1, p. 125-141, 2016.
) also argues about the importance of literacy from the discursive perspective, and it takes into account learning and the domain of different discourse genres. It is done to freely apply them in social practices. According to her (2016, p. 132),

This literacy perspective also requires respect to the times and paces typical of literacy students’ learning, including qualified teachers, teaching conditions and learning adjusted to contexts based on teaching methodologies and pedagogical materials that take into consideration students’ discursive, social and cultural diversity.

Another missing point in the research regards the work focused on YAE elderly students. Only 13 of the 36 assessed proposed discipline matrices mentioned the presence of elderly individuals. They mainly encouraged pedagogical practices substantiated by the Statute of Older Persons - Law n. 10741/2003 (Brasil, 2003). However, only eight propositions took into account the inter-generation profile observed in YAE. This finding shows the concern with the right pedagogical doing based on subjects’ peculiarities and on meeting the construction of meaningful learning.

Older adults often look for school in order to learn how to read and/or to finish Basic Education. But they also find a socialization space for multiple learning. Thus, it is important understanding the specificities of the aging process, knowing elderly individuals’ participation in YAE and highlighting the relevance of teachers’ qualification focused on understanding social issues, human dignity and the peculiarities of elderly students (Marques; Pachane, 2010MARQUES, Denise Travassos; PACHANE, Graziela Giusti. Formação de educadores: uma perspectiva de educação de idosos em programas de EJA. Educação e Pesquisa, v. 36, n. 2, p. 475-490, 2010.
). Education is also a right of elderly individuals and the school must be seen as privileged space for awareness and as pillar for citizenship acknowledgement. It must help forming present and future generations. Marques and Pachane (2010) drew the profile of elderly students and pointed out the challenge of combining longevity to quality of life. A large number of elderly individuals live under precarious conditions caused by their unfavorable economic situation, by lack of instruction, abandonment and by the need of having “heavy” jobs to ensure their survival. Being at school is one more challenge faced by these individuals. Health, security, well-being and even embarrassment issues linked to going back to school at this stage of life are barriers to be overcome by the school. The relevance of teachers’ qualification is linked to this problem, because teachers must find a way to include elderly individuals in schools in a really inclusive way.

Absences felt in the herein investigated discipline matrices refer to formation, literacy and YAE subjects’ peculiarity issues. Taking them into consideration leads to important reasoning about acknowledging a discipline matrix that exceeds the limits of a formation focused on building the necessary, valid and useful knowledge; it aims at moving towards matrices conceived as practice to encourage the enunciation of feelings based on meaning proliferation (Souza; Borges, 2023SOUZA, Bárbara Rocha; BORGES, Verônica. Currículo: disputas pela estabilização de um conhecimento “necessário, válido e útil”. Educar em Revista, v. 39, e85938, 2023.
). This sight over the discipline matrix sees it as cultural production that connects propositions and practices, and all their meanings and senses (Lopes; Macedo, 2022LOPES, Alice Casimiro; MACEDO, Elizabeth. Teorias de currículo. 8. reimp. São Paulo: Cortez, 2022.).

Final considerations

The herein presented study suggests a sight over discipline matrices in municipal networks to judge or simply point out inconsistencies in their propositions’ elaboration. The idea was to contribute to the debate about these documents by thinking on students’ human and full formation, and on teachers’ qualification for YAE.

Not having access to all YAE discipline matrix propositions from Rio de Janeiro State’s municipalities was the greatest challenge for this analysis, and it allowed understanding that it is not possible working with extrapolations in classifications of any kind. However, these gaps boost new research aimed at reaching all discipline matrices in education networks. Yet, due to Prodocência continuous work, it will be likely investigating the herein presented matrices, based on the theoretical references.

It is possible stating that this research has contributed to reflections and to the formation of Pedagogy students involved in the study, as well as of its coordinator. Getting in contact with management teams in municipal networks, getting to know the explored fields, screening and analyzing discipline matrix documents are actions helping the construction of YAE teaching knowledge and the critical understanding of policies focused on the right to education for all.


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    Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), Brazil, Undergraduate Teaching Incentive Program - Prodocência (AEDA 051/Reitoria/2021).

    Data will be provided if requested.
  • 1
    Two education networks in Rio de Janeiro do not offer vacancies for the YAE modality.
  • 2
    Initially, there were 37 discipline matrix propositions, but one of the networks did not provide YAE at the first cycle of Elementary School, so its proposition was excluded from the analysis.

Data availability

Data will be provided if requested.

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    26 Aug 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    11 Oct 2023
  • Accepted
    07 May 2024
Setor de Educação da Universidade Federal do Paraná Educar em Revista, Setor de Educação - Campus Rebouças - UFPR, Rua Rockefeller, nº 57, 2.º andar - Sala 202 , Rebouças - Curitiba - Paraná - Brasil, CEP 80230-130 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil