This article aims to analyze the participation of Florestan Fernandes in the National Constituent Assembly (1987-1988), especially with regard to his educational proposals and educational thinking. We have adopted three central concepts in Florestan’s work since the late 1950’s: 1) the evolution of Florestan’s educational thought; 2) public education in a country of dependent capitalism; and 3) the defense of public funding only for public schools. We conclude that Florestan participates actively in the construction process of the new Constitution, notably with his educational proposals. Initially, the sociologist is hopeful due to the moment of political effervescence, but, when the process ends, he criticizes its results, for he evaluates that, unfortunately, the 1988 Constitution was brought about in a form of “institutionalized dictatorship”, supported by the broad power of the so-called centrão, the big bloc of Brazilian center-right parties.
Education; Florestan Fernandes; 1987-1988 National Constituent Assembly