The paper investigates the use of medical programs by publicly traded educational companies from 2013 to 2022, in the context of financialization and capital concentration of Brazilian private higher education. It involves literature review and documental research, as well as analysis of quantitative data. It concludes that the fierce pursuit of medical courses through the More Doctors Program, acquisitions of institutions, and the legal measures for new vacancies is a strategy of market diversification and segmentation aiming for higher profitability of financial assets by the groups Afya, Yduqs, Cogna Educação, Ânima Educação, Ser Educacional, Vitru Educação, and Cruzeiro do Sul Educacional. This seems incompatible with the principles of diversity of offerings, academic freedom, and access to higher education as a social right.
Keywords Financing of higher education funding; Financialization; Market concentration; Higher education institutions; More Doctors Program