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Assessment of Anthropic Activity in Rio Guaraguaçú (Pontal do Paraná, Paraná)


In this paper are present the results of spectrophotometric tests performed on water samples taken from the Guaraguaçú River located on the coast of Paraná State, Brazil. These tests were conducted to quantify the element phosphorus by the blue molybdenum method and the element nitrogen by Griess and indophenol methods. With these results it was possible to assess that this river has been suffering with anthropic activity in your surroundings. The results of phosphate are above the levels established in Resolution 357/2005 of CONAMA, and these results compared with those obtained in other river in the region are similar, hence we observe that this fact is not caused by human activity. Since the results of the concentrations of ammonium, nitrate and nitrite indicate that the values ​​obtained are below the maximums established by that resolution, then we denote that the presence of the latter two ions in surface water occurs where anthropic activity is expanding.

phosphatic nutrients; nitrogenous nutrients; anthropic contamination; spectrophotometric determination.

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES Av. Beira Mar, 216 - 13º Andar - Castelo, 20021-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil