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Occurrence and distribution of Achatina fulica in the urban area of Penedo, Alagoas, Brazil


The Achatin fulica snail, originally from Africa, was introduced in several countries as a potential species for cultivation. In Brazil, the initiative was not viable and the abandonment of the organisms allowed its dissemination. In addition to agricultural and ecological damage, the species also poses a risk of disease transmission to humans and other higher vertebrates. Within this context, the objective of the research was to compare the abundance and reproductive activity of the A. fulica invasive species in two environments located in the urban zone of Penedo, Alagoas, with distinct characteristics: presence and absence of a network collection of sewage and solid waste. Through the Student's t test, it was verified that there was a significant difference in the abundance of populations between the collection points, showing that the species has a predilection for altered environments. In addition, through analysis of variance (ANOVA), it was observed that there was a significant difference between the total abundance of individuals between August, month after the rainy season, and the other months. It was then concluded that rainfall and precarious conditions of basic sanitation are factors that directly influence the population growth of the species, since they are better adapted to humid environments and with the presence of solid waste.

African giant snail; exotic species; public health

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES Av. Beira Mar, 216 - 13º Andar - Castelo, 20021-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil