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Assessment of rainwater detention basins located in the municipality of São Carlos (SP), Brazil


The accelerated urbanization process, together with a disordered occupation of the land, causes changes in the water balance, generating a greater percentage of surface runoff and increasing the frequency and magnitude of floods. As a measure to mitigate these impacts, detention basins (DB) are implemented in the urban environment to reduce the peak flow. This study aimed to evaluate the DB built in São Carlos (SP), Brazil, through established variables related to physical as well as management and urban integration aspects (position, insulation, conservation, use, filling/emptying, construction processes, maintenance, costs). For this purpose, on-site visits were made to each of the 26 identified units, with or without precipitation events. Drainage projects were also consulted and interviews were conducted with agents involved in the issue. Results showed that all units serve only a hydrological function, through the filling and subsequent emptying of stored water by means of a bottom hole in less than 24 hours (except in three cases where there is only soil infiltration). There is no concern about integration with the urban space or about finding other uses for the space occupied by the units. There is a tendency of lack of frequent maintenance, with excessive vegetation growth, especially in units under public management. The costs of implementation vary around values mentioned in the literature (between R$ 50 and R$ 25/m3). Although hydrological control is being provided, improvements in maintenance are recommended, as well as a paradigm shift in design that allows for multiple uses for DB.

detention basins; compensatory technics; flood control; stormwater management; urban drainage

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES Av. Beira Mar, 216 - 13º Andar - Castelo, 20021-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil