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A review of approaches to atrazine treatment employing advanced oxidation processes technologies

Uma revisão das abordagens de tratamento da atrazina empregando tecnologias de processos oxidativos avançados


Atrazine is a synthetic pesticide widely used in many crops. It is considered a contaminant to soil and water, and due to its leaching and recalcitrant capacities, new treatment technologies have been developed for its removal, with an emphasis on advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), since conventional wastewater treatments show reduced capacity to remove persistent organic pollutants. This article provides a literature review of the main AOP approaches, such as photolysis, ozonation, photoperoxidation, fenton and photo-fenton, photocatalysis, and electrochemical processes, for the atrazine treatment and the fundamentals behind each process. In addition, the innovations and applications of hybrid AOP systems were documented. It is worth mentioning that despite the high efficiency obtained by AOPs in the degradation of ATZ, it is important to evaluate the resulting toxicity and by-products formed, as well as the costs associated with the application of these processes.

oxidative process; degradation pathways; removal efficiency; contaminated environment; atrazine by-products


A atrazina é um agrotóxico sintético amplamente utilizado em diversas culturas. É considerado um contaminante do solo e da água, e, devido à sua capacidade lixiviante e recalcitrante, novas tecnologias de tratamento têm sido desenvolvidas para sua remoção, com destaque para os processos oxidativos avançados (POAs), uma vez que os tratamentos convencionais de efluentes apresentam capacidade reduzida de remover poluentes orgânicos persistentes. Este artigo fornece uma revisão da literatura sobre as principais abordagens de POAs, como fotólise, ozonização, fotoperoxidação, fenton e fotofenton, fotocatálise e processos eletroquímicos, para tratamento da atrazina e os fundamentos reacionais por trás de cada processo. Em adição, as inovações e as aplicações de sistemas POAs híbridos foram documentadas. Vale ressaltar que apesar da alta eficiência obtida pelos POAs na degradação da ATZ, é importante avaliar a toxicidade resultante e os subprodutos formados, além dos custos associados à aplicação desses processos.

processo oxidativo; vias de degradação; eficiência de remoção; ambiente contaminado; subprodutos da atrazina


Among many organochlorine pesticides, atrazine (ATZ), as a s-triazine pesticide, has been used primarily to control broadleaf weeds and grasses in agriculture crops (Xu et al., 2019XU, Ximeng; CHEN, Weiming; ZONG, Shaoyan; REN, Xu; LIU, Dan. Atrazine degradation using Fe3O4-sepiolite catalyzed persulfate: reactivity, mechanism and stability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 377, p. 62-69, 2019.
). The extensive use and persistence of ATZ cause contamination of soil and water (Hanson et al., 2019HANSON, Mark; BAXTER, Leilan; ANDERSON, Julie; SOLOMON, Keith; BRAIN, Richard. Strength of methods assessment for aquatic primary producer toxicity data: a critical review of atrazine studies from the peer-reviewed literature. Science of the Total Environment, v. 685, p. 1221-1239, 2019.
). Its presence in the environment is alarming, due to its potential toxicity in animals as a reproductive corruptor and immunomodulator (Albuquerque et al., 2020ALBUQUERQUE, Felícia Pereira de; OLIVEIRA, Jhones Luiz de; MOSCHINI-CARLOS, Viviane; FRACETO, Leonardo Fernandes. An overview of the potential impacts of atrazine in aquatic environments: perspectives for tailored solutions based on nanotechnology. Science of the Total Environment, v. 700, 134868, 2020.
; Jiang, C. et al., 2020JIANG, Calan; YANG, Ying; ZHANG, Lei; LU, Dan; LU, Lingli; YANG, Xiaoxue; CAI, Tianming. Degradation of Atrazine, Simazine and Ametryn in an arable soil using thermal-activated persulfate oxidation process: optimization, kinetics, and degradation pathway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 400, 123201, 2020.
) and in humans as a potential endocrine deregulator and probably carcinogenic (Komtchou et al., 2020KOMTCHOU, Simon; DELEGAN, Nazar; DIRANY, Ahmad; DROGUI, Patrick; ROBERT, Didier; KHAKANI, My Ali El. Photo-electrocatalytic oxidation of atrazine using sputtured deposited TiO2: WN photoanodes under UV/visible light. Catalysis Today, v. 340, p. 323-333, 2020.
; Zhu et al., 2021ZHU, Shenhao; ZHANG, Tongtong; WANG, Yuhao; ZHOU, Xiang; WANG, Shangqian; WANG, Zengjun. Meta-analysis and experimental validation identified atrazine as a toxicant in the male reproductive system. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 28, n. 28, p. 37482-37497, 2021.

From around 20 different classes of existing pesticides, the class of triazine substances is among the most consumed throughout the world, and the focus of this study is on ATZ, which remains among the most frequently monitored and studied compounds in groundwater, surface water, and soil (Lee, 2003LEE, Phillip W. Handbook of Residue Analytical Methods for Agrochemicals. John Wiley. ed. West Sussex, England Telephone, 2003.; Hong et al., 2019HONG, Ran; ZHANG, Lin; ZHU, Wei; GU, Cheng. Photo-transformation of atrazine in aqueous solution in the presence of Fe3+-montmorillonite clay and humic substances. Science of the Total Environment, v. 652, p. 224-233, 2019.
; Jiang, C. et al., 2020JIANG, Calan; YANG, Ying; ZHANG, Lei; LU, Dan; LU, Lingli; YANG, Xiaoxue; CAI, Tianming. Degradation of Atrazine, Simazine and Ametryn in an arable soil using thermal-activated persulfate oxidation process: optimization, kinetics, and degradation pathway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 400, 123201, 2020.
; Esquerdo et al., 2021ESQUERDO, Alejandro Aldeguer; GADEA, Irene Sentana; GALVAÑ, Pedro José Varo; RICO, Daniel Prats. Efficacy of atrazine pesticide reduction in aqueous solution using activated carbon, ozone and a combination of both. Science of the Total Environment, v. 764, p. 144301, 2021.
). Due to its inevitable aquatic contamination, ATZ was banned in the European Union (EU) in 2003 (Yue et al., 2017YUE, Lin; GE, ChengJun; FENG, Dan; YU, Huamei; DENG, Hui; FU, Bomin. Adsorption–desorption behavior of atrazine on agricultural soils in China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, v. 57, p. 180-189, 2017.
). Yet most countries, including the USA, India, China, and Brazil, still have large-scale consumption (Chandra; Usha, 2021CHANDRA, P. Nikhil; USHA, Kulangara. Removal of atrazine herbicide from water by polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes. Materials Today: Proceedings, v. 41, n. 3, p. 622-627, 2021.
). And even in territories where it has already been forbidden, ATZ is still found in aquatic environments. While the hydrological cycle is the main cause of contamination due to leaching, the water-contaminated influx by runoff is continuous (Pascal-Lorber; Laurent, 2010PASCAL-LORBER, Sophie; LAURENT, François. Phytoremediation Techniques for Pesticide Contaminations. In: Alternative Farming Systems, Biotechnology, Drought Stress and Ecological Fertilisation. 2010. p. 77-105.). The study by Vizioli et al. (2023)VIZIOLI, Beatriz De Caroli; SILVA, Giulia Silva da; MEDEIROS, Jéssyca Ferreira de; MONTAGNER, Cassiana Carolina. Atrazine and its degradation products in drinking water source and supply: risk assessment for environmental and human health in Campinas, Brazil. Chemosphere, v. 336, 139289, 2023.
reports the detection of ATZ and three of its by-products, at concentrations ranging from 2.0 to 2.7 ng L−1, in the surface waters of the Capivari and Atibaia rivers, as well as detection in treated water (Campinas, Brazil). In addition, ATZ has also been detected in the Yangtze and Huangpu rivers in China, from 8 to 180 μg L−1 (Sun et al., 2018SUN, Sainan; CHEN, Yanan; LIN, Yujin; AN, Dong. Occurrence, spatial distribution, and seasonal variation of emerging trace organic pollutants in source water for Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment, v. 639, p. 1-7, 2018.
), and in surface and groundwater in the United States, from 1 to 25 μg L−1 (Tillitt et al., 2010TILLITT, Donald E.; PAPOULIAS, Diana M.; WHYTE, Jeffrey J.; RICHTER, Catherine A. Atrazine reduces reproduction in fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Aquatic Toxicology, v. 99, n. 2, p. 149-159, 2010.
; Wang et al., 2022WANG, Yi; LIU, Changqing; WANG, Feifeng; SUN, Qiyuan. Behavior and mechanism of atrazine adsorption on pristine and aged microplastics in the aquatic environment: kinetic and thermodynamic studies. Chemosphere, v. 292, 133425, 2022.

The physical–chemical properties of ATZ (Table 1) match its characteristics of high hydrophobicity (high log Kow value), moderate polar nature, which is linked to its moderate solubility in water, high dipole moment, and complex molecular structure (Oliveira Jr; Koskinen; A Ferreira, 2001OLIVEIRA JR, R. S.; KOSKINEN, W. C.; A FERREIRA, F. Sorption and leaching potential of herbicides on Brazilian soils. Weed Research, v. 41, n. 2, p. 97-110, 2001.
). Due to its half-life between 41 and 231 days (Karlsson et al., 2016KARLSSON, Anneli Sofia; WEIHERMÜLLER, Lutz; TAPPE, Wolfgang; MUKHERJEE, Santanu; SPIELVOGEL, Sandra. Field scale boscalid residues and dissipation half-life estimation in a sandy soil. Chemosphere, v. 145, p. 163-173, 2016.
), low adsorption in soils, and moderate aqueous solubility, it has the potential to contaminate not only agricultural fields but also groundwater, mainly in a well-structured soil profile with macropores (Dias et al., 2019DIAS, Agata Cristina Lima; SANTOS, Juliana Mattos Bohrer; SANTOS, Ana Silvia Pereira; BOTTREL, Sue Ellen Costa; PERERIA, Renata de Oliveira. Ocorrência de atrazina em águas no Brasil e remoção no tratamento da água: revisão bibliográfica. Revista Internacional de Ciências, v. 8, n. 2, p. 234-253, 2019.

Table 1
Physicochemical properties of atrazine.

It is known that the presence of ATZ in the aquatic environment directly interferes with the food chain of aquatic animals, as the pesticide can significantly inhibit algae growth and photosynthesis (Zhu et al., 2016ZHU, Xuexia; SUN, Yunfei; ZHANG, Xingxing; HENG, Hailu; NAN, Haihong; ZHANG, Lu; HUANG, Yuan; YANG, Zhou. Herbicides interfere with antigrazer defenses in Scenedesmus obliquus. Chemosphere, v. 162, p. 243-251, 2016.
). Singh et al. (2018)SINGH, Simranjeet; KUMAR, Vijay; CHAUHAN, Arun; DATTA, Shivika; WANI, Abdul Basit; SINGH, Nasib; SINGH, Joginder. Toxicity, degradation and analysis of the herbicide atrazine. Environmental Chemistry Letters, v. 16, p. 211-237, 2018.
reviewed studies in which ATZ manifested acute toxicity to some species of amphibians and fish, interfering mainly in biotransformation, generating a significant increase in genotoxic damage and oxidative stress, inducing changes in enzymatic activities, and damaging the endocrine and liver systems of these animals. Albuquerque et al. (2020)ALBUQUERQUE, Felícia Pereira de; OLIVEIRA, Jhones Luiz de; MOSCHINI-CARLOS, Viviane; FRACETO, Leonardo Fernandes. An overview of the potential impacts of atrazine in aquatic environments: perspectives for tailored solutions based on nanotechnology. Science of the Total Environment, v. 700, 134868, 2020.
also reviewed studies that analyzed the toxic effect on mollusks, crustaceans, and insects, disrupting biomarkers, hormones, morphology, the reproductive system, and genetics, and also on reptiles, damaging the immune system and their development. In mammals, the main action of ATZ is to disrupt the endocrine system (La Casa-Resino et al., 2012LA CASA-RESINO, Irene; VALDEHITA, Ana; SOLER, Francisco; NAVAS, José María; PÉREZ-LÓPEZ, Marcos. Endocrine disruption caused by oral administration of atrazine in European quail (Coturnix coturnix coturnix). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, v. 156, n. 3-4, p. 159-165, 2012.
; Jin et al., 2014JIN, Yuanxiang; WANG, Linggang; CHEN, Guanliang; LIN, Xiaojian; MIAO, Wenyu; FU, Zhengwei. Exposure of mice to atrazine and its metabolite diaminochlorotriazine elicits oxidative stress and endocrine disruption. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, v. 37, n. 2, p. 782-790, 2014.
; Cook et al., 2020COOK, Laura E.; CHEN, Yu; RENFREE, Marilyn B.; PASK, Andrew J. Long-term maternal exposure to atrazine in the drinking water reduces penis length in the tammar wallaby Macropus eugenii. Reproduction, Fertility and Development, v. 32, n. 13, p. 1099-1107, 2020.
; Galbiati et al., 2021GALBIATI, Valentina; BUOSO, Erica; BIANCA, Roberta d’Emmanuele di Villa; PAOLA, Rosanna Di.; MORRONI, Fabiana; NOCENTINI, Giuseppe; RACCHI, Marco; VIVIANI, Barbara; CORSINI, Emanuela. Immune and nervous systems interaction in endocrine disruptors toxicity: the case of atrazine. Frontiers in Toxicology, v. 3, 649024, 2021.
), followed by oxidative stress (Jestadi et al., 2014JESTADI, Dinesh Babu; PHANIENDRA, Alugoju; BABJI, Undru; SHANMUGANATHAN, Bhavatharini; PERIYASAMY, Latha. Effects of Atrazine on Reproductive Health of Nondiabetic and Diabetic Male Rats. International Scholarly Research Notices, v. 2014, 676013, 2014.
; Saalfeld et al., 2018SAALFELD, Graciela Quintana; VARELA JUNIOR, Antônio Sergio; CASTRO, Tiane; PEREIRA, Fernanda Alves; GHELLER, Stela Mari Meneghello; SILVA, Alessandra Cardoso da; CORCINI, Carine Dahl; ROSA, Carlos Eduardo da; COLARES, Elton Pintp. Low atrazine dosages reduce sperm quality of Calomys laucha mice. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, v. 25, n. 3, p. 2924-2931, 2018.
; Semren; Žunec; Pizent, 2018SEMREN, Tanja Živković; ŽUNEC, Suzana; PIZENT, Alica. Oxidative stress in triazine pesticide toxicity: a review of the main biomarker findings. Archives of Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, v. 69, n. 2, p. 109-125, 2018.
; He et al., 2022HE, Daohong; HAN, Guobo; ZHANG, Xiaomeng; SUN, Jingyu; XU, Yongnan; JIN, Qingguo; GAO, Qingshan. Oxidative stress induced by methomyl exposure reduces the quality of early embryo development in mice. Zygote, v. 30, n. 1, p. 57-64, 2022.
), sexual hormone imbalance (Bohn et al., 2011BOHN, Torsten; COCCO, Emilio; GOURDOL, Laurent; GUIGNARD, Cedric; HOFFMANN, Lucien. Determination of atrazine and degradation products in Luxembourgish drinking water: origin and fate of potential endocrine-disrupting pesticides. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, v. 28, n. 8, p. 1041-1054, 2011.
; Govers et al., 2020GOVERS, Luke C.; HARPER, Alesia P.; FINGER, Bethany J.; MATTISKE, Deidre M.; PASK, Andrew J.; GREEN, Mark P. Atrazine induces penis abnormalities including hypospadias in mice. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, v. 11, n. 3, p. 246-249, 2020.
; Abarikwu et al., 2021ABARIKWU, Sunny O.; COSTA, Guilherme M. J.; LARA, Nathalia de Lima E Martins; LACERDA, Samyra M. S. N.; FRANÇA, Luiz R. de. Atrazine impairs testicular function in BalB/c mice by affecting Leydig cells. Toxicology, v. 455, p. 152761, 2021.
), DNA damage (Yang et al., 2010YANG, Chunyu; LI, Yang; ZHANG, Kun; WANG, Xia; MA, Cuiqing; TANG, Hongzhi; XU, Ping. Atrazine degradation by a simple consortium of Klebsiella sp. A1 and Comamonas sp. A2 in nitrogen enriched medium. Biodegradation, v. 21, n. 1, p. 97-105, 2010.
; Sánchez et al., 2020SÁNCHEZ, Oscar F.; LIN, Li; BRYAN, Chris J.; XIE, Junkai; FREEMAN, Jennifer L.; YUAN, Chongli. Profiling epigenetic changes in human cell line induced by atrazine exposure. Environmental Pollution, v. 258, 113712, 2020.
; Xie et al., 2021XIE, Junkai; LIN, Li; SÁNCHEZ, Oscar F.; BRYAN, Chris; FREEMAN, Jennifer L.; YUAN, Chongli. Pre-differentiation exposure to low-dose of atrazine results in persistent phenotypic changes in human neuronal cell lines. Environmental Pollution, v. 271, 116379, 2021.
), which can even affect cardiovascular functioning (Lin et al., 2016LIN, Jia; LI, Hui-Xin; XIA, Jun; LI, Xue-Nan; JIANG, Xiu-Qing; ZHU, Shi-Yong; GE, Jing; LI, Jin-Long. The chemopreventive potential of lycopene against atrazine-induced cardiotoxicity: modulation of ionic homeostasis. Scientific Reports, v. 6, 24855, 2016.
; Li et al., 2017LI, Xue-Nan; LIN, Jia; XIA, Jun; QIN, Lei; ZHU, Shi-Yong; LI, Jin-Long. Lycopene mitigates atrazine-induced cardiac inflammation via blocking the NF-κB pathway and NO production. Journal of Functional Foods, v. 29, p. 208-216, 2017.
; Li et al., 2018LI, Xue-Nan; ZUO, Yu-Zhu; QIN, Lei; LIU, Wei; LI, Yan-Hua; LI, Jin-Long. Atrazine-xenobiotic nuclear receptor interactions induce cardiac inflammation and endoplasmic reticulum stress in quail (Coturnix coturnix coturnix). Chemosphere, v. 206, p. 549-559, 2018.
), as well as liver damage (Campos-Pereira et al., 2012CAMPOS-PEREIRA, Franco D.; OLIVEIRA, Camila A.; PIGOSO, Acácio A.; SILVA-ZACARIN, Elaine C. M.; BARBIERI, Renata; SPATTI, Erika F.; MARIN-MORALES, Maria A.; SEVERI-AGUIAR, Grasiela D. C. Early cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of atrazine on Wistar rat liver: a morphological, immunohistochemical, biochemical, and molecular study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 78, p. 170-177, 2012.
; Foulds et al., 2017FOULDS, Charles E.; TREVIÑO, Lindsey S.; YORK, Brian; WALKER, Cheryl L. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals and fatty liver disease. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, v. 13, n. 8, p. 445-457, 2017.
; Harper; Finger; Green, 2020HARPER, Alesia P.; FINGER, Bethany J.; GREEN, Mark P. Chronic atrazine exposure beginning prenatally impacts liver function and sperm concentration with multi-generational consequences in mice. Frontiers in Endocrinology, v. 11, 580124, 2020.
). Proven evidence of ATZ’s toxicity culminated in its classification as an endocrine-disrupting pesticide by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA, 2007USEPA. Atrazine – Chemical Summary. 2007. 12 p. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 jun. 2021.
) and also its entry into the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s list of carcinogenic pesticides (IARC, 1999IARC - International Agency for Research on Cancer. Some Chemicals that Cause Tumours of the Kidney or Urinary Bladder in Rodents and Some Other Substances. Lyon (FR): IARC, 1999.).

ATZ may be removed by conventional techniques such as coagulation–flocculation by the addition of ferrous iron coagulants or low-cost biosorbents (Cheng et al., 2017CHENG, Xiaoxiang; LIANG, Heng; DING, An; ZHU, Xuewu; TANG, Xiaobin; GAN, Zhendong; XING, Jiajian; WU, Daoji; LI, Guibai. Application of Fe(II)/peroxymonosulfate for improving ultrafiltration membrane performance in surface water treatment: comparison with coagulation and ozonation. Water Research, v. 124, p. 298-307, 2017.
; Liu et al., 2020LIU, Yunsi; WANG, Shuo; SHI, Lifang; LU, Wanmeng; LI, Pan. Enhanced degradation of atrazine by microbubble ozonation. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, v. 6, n. 6, p. 1681-1687, 2020.
), adsorption on humic substances, clays, oxyhydroxides, and activated carbon (Hong et al., 2019HONG, Ran; ZHANG, Lin; ZHU, Wei; GU, Cheng. Photo-transformation of atrazine in aqueous solution in the presence of Fe3+-montmorillonite clay and humic substances. Science of the Total Environment, v. 652, p. 224-233, 2019.
; Sun et al., 2021SUN, Tao; YANG, Zailei; JIANG, Jingbailun; SUN, Yuebing; LI, Junfang; JIA, Hongtao. Effect of biochar on the adsorption characteristics of atrazine in soil. Environmental Chemistry, v. 3, p. 687-695, 2021.
), nanofiltration and microfiltration membranes (Ahmad; Tan; Shukor, 2008AHMED, Shoaib; KHAN, Fahad Saleem Ahmed; MUBARAK, Nabisab Mujawar; KHALID, Mohammad; TAN, Yie Hua; MAZARI, Shaukat Ali; KARRI, Rama Rao; ABDULLAH, Ezzat Chan. Emerging pollutants and their removal using visible-light responsive photocatalysis – A comprehensive review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 9, n. 6, 106643, 2021.
; Chandra; Usha, 2021CHANDRA, P. Nikhil; USHA, Kulangara. Removal of atrazine herbicide from water by polyelectrolyte multilayer membranes. Materials Today: Proceedings, v. 41, n. 3, p. 622-627, 2021.
), or reverse osmosis (Naidu et al., 2017NAIDU, Gayathri; JEONG, Sanghyun; CHOI, Youngkwon; VIGNESWARAN, Saravanamuthu. Membrane distillation for wastewater reverse osmosis concentrate treatment with water reuse potential. Journal of Membrane Science, v. 524, p. 565-575, 2017.
). However, these technologies only transfer the contaminant from one state to another (Romero et al., 2020ROMERO, Romina; CONTRERAS, David; SEPÚLVEDA, Mónica; MORENO, Nataly; SEGURA, Cristina; MELIN, Victoria. Assessment of a Fenton reaction driven by insoluble tannins from pine bark in treating an emergent contaminant. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 382, p. 120982, 2020.
). Other traditional wastewater treatment methods, such as biodegradation (Derakhshan et al., 2018DERAKHSHAN, Zahra; MAHVI, Amir Hossein; GHANEIAN, Mohammad Taghi; MAZLOOMI, Seyed Mohammad; FARAMARZIAN, Mohammad; DEHGHANI, Mansooreh; FALLAHZADEH, Hossein; YOUSEFINEJAD, Saeed; BERIZI, Enayat; EHRAMPOUSH, Mohammad Hassan; BAHRAMI, Shima. Simultaneous removal of atrazine and organic matter from wastewater using anaerobic moving bed biofilm reactor: a performance analysis. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 209, p. 515-524, 2018.
; Singh et al., 2018SINGH, Simranjeet; KUMAR, Vijay; CHAUHAN, Arun; DATTA, Shivika; WANI, Abdul Basit; SINGH, Nasib; SINGH, Joginder. Toxicity, degradation and analysis of the herbicide atrazine. Environmental Chemistry Letters, v. 16, p. 211-237, 2018.
), may not efficiently and completely remove ATZ in a short period, making the degradation of ATZ even more challenging. To mitigate this, a great deal of research effort has been invested to remove ATZ and its by-products with different approaches, mainly methods based on chemical reactions, which can eliminate the contaminants through complete mineralization (Komtchou et al., 2020KOMTCHOU, Simon; DELEGAN, Nazar; DIRANY, Ahmad; DROGUI, Patrick; ROBERT, Didier; KHAKANI, My Ali El. Photo-electrocatalytic oxidation of atrazine using sputtured deposited TiO2: WN photoanodes under UV/visible light. Catalysis Today, v. 340, p. 323-333, 2020.

The advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), which involve the formation of radicals with excellent reactivity, have emerged as an effective solution to eliminating persistent organic pollutants (Hong et al., 2019HONG, Ran; ZHANG, Lin; ZHU, Wei; GU, Cheng. Photo-transformation of atrazine in aqueous solution in the presence of Fe3+-montmorillonite clay and humic substances. Science of the Total Environment, v. 652, p. 224-233, 2019.
). Since the 21st century, publications on ATZ degradation by AOPs have increased exponentially over traditional methods, including Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions (Cheng et al., 2017CHENG, Xiaoxiang; LIANG, Heng; DING, An; ZHU, Xuewu; TANG, Xiaobin; GAN, Zhendong; XING, Jiajian; WU, Daoji; LI, Guibai. Application of Fe(II)/peroxymonosulfate for improving ultrafiltration membrane performance in surface water treatment: comparison with coagulation and ozonation. Water Research, v. 124, p. 298-307, 2017.
), photolysis (Moreira et al., 2017MOREIRA, Ailton José; BORGES, Aline Cardoso; GOUVÊA, Luís Felipe Costa; MACLEOD, Tatiana Cristina de Oliveira; FRESCHI, Gian Paulo G. The process of atrazine degradation, its mechanism, and the formation of metabolites using UV and UV/MW photolysis. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 347, p. 160-167, 2017.
), ozonation (Yang et al., 2016YANG, Jingxin; LI, Ji; DONG, Wenyi; MA, Jun; CAO, Jie; LI, Tingting; LI, Jiayin; GU, Jia; LIU, Pingxin. Study on enhanced degradation of atrazine by ozonation in the presence of hydroxylamine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 316, p. 110-121, 2016.
), peroxidation (Kida; Ziembowicz; Koszelnik, 2018KIDA, Małgorzata; ZIEMBOWICZ, Sabina; KOSZELNIK, Piotr. Removal of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) from aqueous solutions using hydrogen peroxide, ultrasonic waves, and a hybrid process. Separation and Purification Technology, v. 192, p. 457-464, 2018.
), heterogeneous catalysis (Santacruz-Chávez et al., 2015SANTACRUZ-CHÁVEZ, Jorge A.; OROS-RUIZ, Socorro; PRADO, Blanca; ZANELLA, Rodolfo. Photocatalytic degradation of atrazine using TiO2 superficially modified with metallic nanoparticles. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 3, n. 4, p. 3055-3061, 2015.
), and even applications of combined AOPs (Ahmed et al., 2017AHMED, Mohammad Boshir; ZHOU, John L.; NGO, Huu Hao; GUO, Wenshan; THOMAIDIS, Nikolaos S.; XU, Jiang. Progress in the biological and chemical treatment technologies for emerging contaminant removal from wastewater: a critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 323, p. 274-298, 2017.
). These processes stand out for their increased efficiency in removing ATZ and its byproducts in a shorter time (Dhangar; Kumar, 2020DHANGAR, Kiran; KUMAR, Manish. Tricks and tracks in removal of emerging contaminants from the wastewater through hybrid treatment systems: a review. Science of the Total Environment, v. 738, 140320, 2020.
). Furthermore, currently, advanced oxidation processes based on sulfate radicals have drawn considerable attention due to their high efficiency over a wide pH range and multiple operation advantages (Wang et al., 2019WANG, Guoying; CHENG, Cheng; ZHU, Jianchao; WANG, Lijun; GAO, Shengwang; XIA, Xunfeng. Enhanced degradation of atrazine by nanoscale LaFe1-xCuxO3-δ perovskite activated peroxymonosulfate: performance and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, v. 673, p. 565-575, jul. 2019.
). This review article makes a unique contribution to the literature on the application of AOPs in the degradation of atrazine, aiming to critically evaluate the feasibility of AOPs in physical, chemical, and hybrid treatments as a means of removing ATZ from water. Specifically, this article provides a summary of the effectiveness of different AOPs in water treatment for ATZ removal combined with their degradation pathways and the formation of by-products. It is discussed beyond conventional AOPs and hybrid processes for the removal of ATZ, including the challenges and current knowledge gaps that limit the effectiveness of AOPs.


Biological treatment technology is one of the leading techniques applied for atrazine degradation (He et al., 2019HE, Huijun; LIU, Yongpan; YOU, Shaohong; LIU, Jie; XIAO, He; TU, Zhihong. A review on recent treatment technology for herbicide atrazine in contaminated environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 16, n. 24, p. 5129, 2019.
). Biological nitrification or denitrification is considered an alternative. Phan et al. (2014)PHAN, Hop V.; HAI, Faisal I.; KANG, Jinguo; DAM, Hoa K.; ZHANG, Ren; PRICE, William E.; BROECKMANN, Andreas; NGHIEM, Long D. Simultaneous nitrification/denitrification and trace organic contaminant (TrOC) removal by an anoxic–aerobic membrane bioreactor (MBR). Bioresource Technology, v. 165, p. 96-104, 2014.
observed this process in an anoxic–aerobic membrane bioreactor applied to a set of 30 compounds, including atrazine, but only 8% was removed. Kamaz et al. (2020)KAMAZ, Mohanad; JONES, Steven M.; QIAN, Xianghong; WATTS, Michael J.; ZHANG, Wen; WICKRAMASINGHE, S. Ranil. Atrazine Removal from Municipal Wastewater Using a Membrane Bioreactor. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 17, n. 7, 2567, 2020.
also applied a membrane bioreactor to remove ATZ detected at 0.02 ppm in a real effluent, resulting in approximately 20% removal, consequently; it could estimate the probability of ATZ biodegradation in that wastewater treatment plant. Microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, and microalgae) with great adaptability and mutability in a polluted environment were also studied for the biodegradation capacity of atrazine alone and/or in vitro, including Pseudomonas sp. (Zhao et al., 2017ZHAO, Xinyue; WANG, Li; MA, Fang; BAI, Shunwen; YANG, Jixian; QI, Shanshan. Pseudomonas sp. ZXY-1, a newly isolated and highly efficient atrazine-degrading bacterium, and optimization of biodegradation using response surface methodology. Journal of Environmental Sciences, v. 54, p. 152-159, 2017.
; Fernandes et al., 2018FERNANDES, Ana Flavia Tonelli; BRAZ, Vânia Santos; BAUERMEISTER, Anelize; PASCHOAL, Jonas Augusto Rizzato; LOPES, Noberto Peporine; STEHLING, Eliana Guedes. Degradation of atrazine by Pseudomonas sp. and Achromobacter sp. isolated from Brazilian agricultural soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, v. 130, p. 17-22, 2018.
; Sharma et al., 2019SHARMA, Amrita; KALYANI, Pradeep; TRIVEDI, Vikas D.; KAPLEY, Atya; PHALE, Prashant S. Nitrogen-dependent induction of atrazine degradation pathway in Pseudomonas sp. strain AKN5. FEMS Microbiology Letters, v. 366, n. 1, 2019.
), Achromobacter sp. (Fernandes et al., 2018FERNANDES, Ana Flavia Tonelli; BRAZ, Vânia Santos; BAUERMEISTER, Anelize; PASCHOAL, Jonas Augusto Rizzato; LOPES, Noberto Peporine; STEHLING, Eliana Guedes. Degradation of atrazine by Pseudomonas sp. and Achromobacter sp. isolated from Brazilian agricultural soil. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, v. 130, p. 17-22, 2018.
; Cao et al., 2020CAO, Peike; QUAN, Xie; ZHAO, Kun; CHEN, Shuo; YU, Hongtao; NIU, Junfeng. Selective electrochemical H2O2 generation and activation on a bifunctional catalyst for heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 382, 121102, 2020.
; Jiang, Z. et al., 2020JIANG, Zhao; CHEN, Jianing; LI, Jiaojiao; CAO, Bo; CHEN, Yukun; LIU, Di; WANG, Xinxin; ZHANG, Ying. Exogenous Zn2+ enhance the biodegradation of atrazine by regulating the chlorohydrolase gene trzN transcription and membrane permeability of the degrader Arthrobacter sp. DNS10. Chemosphere, v. 238, 124594, 2020.
), Aspergillus niger (Herrera-Gallardo et al., 2021HERRERA-GALLARDO, Brenda E.; GUZMÁN-GIL, Raymundo; COLÍN-LUNA, José A.; GARCÍA-MARTÍNEZ, Julio C.; LEÓN-SANTIESTEBAN, Héctor H.; GONZÁLEZ-BRAMBILA, Oscar M.; GONZÁLEZ-BRAMBILA, Margarita M. Atrazine biodegradation in soil by Aspergillus niger. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, v. 99, n. 4, p. 932-946, 2021.
), Aspergillus oryzae (Lu et al., 2021LU, Jian; LI, Ruirui; CHANG, Yuansen; ZHANG, Yang; ZHANG, Nan; TAO, Liming; XU, Wenping. Effects of different parameters on the removal of atrazine in a water environment by Aspergillus oryzae biosorption. Journal of Pesticide Science, v. 46, n. 2, p. 214-221, 2021.
), and microalgae of the Phylum Chlorophyta (Matamoros et al., 2015MATAMOROS, Víctor; GUTIÉRREZ, Raquel; FERRER, Ivet; GARCÍA, Joan.; BAYONA, Josep. M. Capability of microalgae-based wastewater treatment systems to remove emerging organic contaminants: a pilot-scale study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 288, p. 34-42, 2015.

Regarding physical methods, sedimentation and flocculation processes are not effective for removing pesticides such as ATZ, as they remain partitioned in the aqueous phase (Ahmed et al., 2017AHMED, Mohammad Boshir; ZHOU, John L.; NGO, Huu Hao; GUO, Wenshan; THOMAIDIS, Nikolaos S.; XU, Jiang. Progress in the biological and chemical treatment technologies for emerging contaminant removal from wastewater: a critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 323, p. 274-298, 2017.
). However, membrane filtration and adsorption technologies stand out. The membrane filtration process has been used in wastewater treatment plants, with the type of membrane varying according to the type of pollutant to be treated (Jatoi et al., 2021JATOI, Abdul Sattar; HASHMI, Zubair; ADRIYANI, Retno; YUNIARTO, Adhi; MAZARI, Shaukat Ali; AKHTER, Faheem; MUBARAK, Nabisab Mujawar. Recent trends and future challenges of pesticide removal techniques – A comprehensive review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 9, n. 4, 105571, 2021.
). The study carried out by Ahmad, Tan, and Shukor (2008)AHMAD, Abdul Latif; TAN, Lian See; SHUKOR, Syamsul Rizal Abd. Dimethoate and atrazine retention from aqueous solution by nanofiltration membranes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 151, n. 1, p. 71-77, 2008.
evaluated the adsorption capacity of ATZ on four nanofiltration membranes: NF90, NF200, NF270, and DK, with the best result being obtained for NF90, with 95% retention of ATZ at 2 mg L−1. According to Bodzek and Konieczny (2018)BODZEK, Michal; KONIECZNY, Krystyna. Membranes in organic micropollutants removal. Current Organic Chemistry, v. 22, n. 11, p. 1070-1102, 2018.
, the type of membrane material and the molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) are the main parameters that influence ATZ removal in ultrafiltration processes, obtaining approximately 60% removal when using a membrane with an MWCO of 1–2 kDa. The adsorption process is characterized by the use of adsorbents such as activated carbon, biochar, zeolite, and bentonite, among others (He et al., 2019HE, Huijun; LIU, Yongpan; YOU, Shaohong; LIU, Jie; XIAO, He; TU, Zhihong. A review on recent treatment technology for herbicide atrazine in contaminated environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 16, n. 24, p. 5129, 2019.
). The efficiency of the adsorption process in the treatment of ATZ varies according to the surface area, the number of active sites available, and the type of interaction that occurs between the adsorbent and the adsorbate (Jatoi et al., 2021JATOI, Abdul Sattar; HASHMI, Zubair; ADRIYANI, Retno; YUNIARTO, Adhi; MAZARI, Shaukat Ali; AKHTER, Faheem; MUBARAK, Nabisab Mujawar. Recent trends and future challenges of pesticide removal techniques – A comprehensive review. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 9, n. 4, 105571, 2021.

The biological processes mentioned here have limitations, such as ambient temperature, salinity, pH, nutrient content, toxic substances, and other factors that will affect the efficiency of microorganism degradation. Among the advantages are the non-generation of toxic by-products, as occurs in some chemical treatments, low energy consumption, and low operating costs (Ahmed et al., 2017AHMED, Mohammad Boshir; ZHOU, John L.; NGO, Huu Hao; GUO, Wenshan; THOMAIDIS, Nikolaos S.; XU, Jiang. Progress in the biological and chemical treatment technologies for emerging contaminant removal from wastewater: a critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 323, p. 274-298, 2017.
). Therefore, there is still a search for microorganisms with better performance and environmental tolerance when applied to real conditions (He et al., 2019HE, Huijun; LIU, Yongpan; YOU, Shaohong; LIU, Jie; XIAO, He; TU, Zhihong. A review on recent treatment technology for herbicide atrazine in contaminated environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 16, n. 24, p. 5129, 2019.
). Physical processes such as membrane filtration and adsorption generally have a high efficiency in removing recalcitrant organic contaminants such as ATZ. In the case of nanomaterials, despite having excellent adsorption properties, they have a high preparation cost (He et al., 2019HE, Huijun; LIU, Yongpan; YOU, Shaohong; LIU, Jie; XIAO, He; TU, Zhihong. A review on recent treatment technology for herbicide atrazine in contaminated environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 16, n. 24, p. 5129, 2019.
), and the adsorption process involves the challenge of regenerating the adsorbent. The main disadvantage of physical processes is that most of them involve transferring the contaminant from the aqueous phase to a solid phase, leading to the problem of discarding or reusing this solid material.


With the increasing detection frequency of contaminants in the water, new treatment technologies had to be developed. Currently, AOPs are recognized as one of the most effective alternatives for the degradation of compounds of environmental relevance (Lelario et al., 2016LELARIO, Filomena; BRIENZA, Monica; BUFO, Sabino Aurélio; SCRANO, Laura. Effectiveness of different advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on the abatement of the model compound mepanipyrim in water. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 321, p. 187-201, 2016.
). AOPs are based on the formation of reactive radicals, which have a high oxidizing power and can result in the degradation of different pollutant compounds in relatively short periods (Jiang, C. et al., 2020JIANG, Calan; YANG, Ying; ZHANG, Lei; LU, Dan; LU, Lingli; YANG, Xiaoxue; CAI, Tianming. Degradation of Atrazine, Simazine and Ametryn in an arable soil using thermal-activated persulfate oxidation process: optimization, kinetics, and degradation pathway. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 400, 123201, 2020.
). These radicals can be formed by several processes that can be classified into homogeneous or heterogeneous systems, depending on the absence or presence of catalysts in the solid state, in addition to whether it may be under irradiation (Oliveira et al., 2020OLIVEIRA, Milina de; FRIHLING, Breno Emanuel Farias.; VELASQUES, Jannaina; MAGALHÃES FILHO, Fernando Jorge Corrêa; CAVALHERI, Priscila Sabioni; MIGLIOLO, Ludovico. Pharmaceuticals residues and xenobiotics contaminants: occurrence, analytical techniques and sustainable alternatives for wastewater treatment. Science of the Total Environment, v. 705, 135568, 2020.
). The main AOPs can be identified as the processes of photolysis, ozonation, photoperoxidation, photo-Fenton, photo-catalysis, electro-Fenton, ultrasound, or gamma ray irradiation (Saleh et al., 2021SALEH, Mohammed; BILICI, Zeynep; KAYA, Merve; YALVAC, Mutlu; ARSLAN, Hudaverdi; YATMAZ, Hüseyin Cengiz; DIZGE, Nadir. The use of basalt powder as a natural heterogeneous catalyst in the Fenton and Photo-Fenton oxidation of cationic dyes. Advanced Powder Technology, v. 32, n. 4, p. 1264-1275, 2021.
), and their reactions are shown in Table 2, besides combined approaches. These processes can be applied to ATZ removal from wastewater with high efficiency (Salimi et al., 2017SALIMI, Maryam; ESRAFILI, Ali; GHOLAMI, Mitra; JAFARI, Ahamad Jonidi; KALANTARY, Roshanak Rezaei; FARZADKIA, Mahdi; KERMANI, Majid; SOBHI, Hamid Reza. Contaminants of emerging concern: a review of new approach in AOP technologies. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, v. 189, n. 8, 414, 2017.
), as presented in Figure 1.

Table 2
The generalized reactions of advanced oxidative processes.
Figure 1
Comparison of removal efficiencies of ATZ by oxidation processes.


The initial studies involving atrazine photolysis were published in the 1990s, with emphasis on the study made by Bourgine et al. (1995)BOURGINE, F.P.; CHAPMAN, J.I.; KERAI, H.; DUVAL, J.L.; GREEN, J.G.; HAMILTON, D. The Degradation of Atrazine and Other Pesticides by Photolysis. Water and Environment Journal, v. 9, n. 4, p. 417-422, 1995.
, which achieved 30% degradation of ATZ when applied energy of 200 Wh m−3 and 70% with 700 Wh m−3, promoting the statement that the degradation rate of atrazine is directly proportional to the photolytic energy supplied to the system. Chen et al. (2009)CHEN, Cheng; YANG, Shaogui; GUO, Yaping; SUN, Cheng; GU, Chenggang; XU, Bin. Photolytic destruction of endocrine disruptor atrazine in aqueous solution under UV irradiation: products and pathways. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 172, n. 2-3, p. 675-684, 2009.
used a cylindrical reactor equipped with an immersible low-pressure mercury lamp (8 W), providing the system with an ultraviolet intensity of 0.96 mW cm−2. The atrazine was mineralized at 90% after 50 min of reaction. In their work, it was observed that the pH of the reaction medium suffered a slight decrease, explained by the formation of acidic by-products such as cyanuric acid, ammelide, and ammeline. Hence, the possible reaction pathways for the photodecomposition of atrazine have been identified and quantified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and the intermediates were determined: chloro-dealkylation, dechlorination-hydroxylation, alkylic-oxidation, dechlorination-hydrogenation, dechloro-dealkylation, deamination-hydroxylation, and olefination. And due to the formation of these byproducts that do not absorb the lower wavelengths of the spectrum of light, complete mineralization has been difficult to achieve. This same occurred with studies such as the one by Kong et al. (2016)KONG, Xiujuan; JIANG, Jin; MA, Jun; YANG, Yi; LIU, Weili; LIU, Yulei. Degradation of atrazine by UV/chlorine: efficiency, influencing factors, and products. Water Research, v. 90, p. 15-23, 2016.
; they checked the direct photolysis of atrazine using a low-pressure UV lamp with λmax=254 nm and UV irradiance of 0.15 mW cm−2 after calibration. For [ATZ]=1.0 μM and pH=7.0, the process reached approximately 40% of the mineralization of ATZ. Similarly, Moreira et al. (2017)MOREIRA, Ailton José; BORGES, Aline Cardoso; GOUVÊA, Luís Felipe Costa; MACLEOD, Tatiana Cristina de Oliveira; FRESCHI, Gian Paulo G. The process of atrazine degradation, its mechanism, and the formation of metabolites using UV and UV/MW photolysis. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 347, p. 160-167, 2017.
studied the atrazine degradation process (3 mg L−1) and the formation of metabolites using the same kind of UV lamp, recording a 34% atrazine reduction after 300 s. These authors observed a substantial increase in the presence of atrazine-2-hydroxy (HAT), resulting from the hydroxylation of the halogenated carbon.


The ozonation process has been widely applied in water and wastewater treatment, as well as for disinfection and the degradation of toxic organic pollutants. Nevertheless, ATZ can be considered resistant to degradation by ozonation due to its low reactivity with ozone (Acero; Stemmler; von Gunten, 2000ACERO, Juan L.; STEMMLER, Konrad; VON GUNTEN, Urs. Degradation kinetics of atrazine and its degradation products with ozone and OH radicals: a predictive tool for drinking water treatment. Environmental Science & Technology, v. 34, n. 4, p. 591-597, 2000.
). In water, the ATZ and other ozone-refractory compounds were eliminated with lower efficiency; this was caused by the production phenomenon of OH• during aqueous ozonation. Yang et al. (2016)YANG, Jingxin; LI, Ji; DONG, Wenyi; MA, Jun; CAO, Jie; LI, Tingting; LI, Jiayin; GU, Jia; LIU, Pingxin. Study on enhanced degradation of atrazine by ozonation in the presence of hydroxylamine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 316, p. 110-121, 2016.
observed that only 20% of ATZ at an initial concentration of 2 μM was degraded by ozonation at a neutral pH. In an alkaline medium, Yixin et al. (2014)YIXIN, Yang; HONGBIN, Cao; PAI, Peng; HONGMIAO, Bo. Degradation and transformation of atrazine under catalyzed ozonation process with TiO2 as catalyst. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 279, p. 444-451, 2014.
witnessed that the ATZ degradation rate significantly increased with ozone applications. The removal of ATZ with an initial concentration of 10 μM ATZ reached 98% when the solution was pH 10, five times greater than at pH 2. That was because the OH– ion is one of the main initiators of the decomposition of aqueous ozone into hydroxyl radicals. However, in addition to the high energy consumption and high cost, according to Wang and Chen (2020)WANG, Jianlong; CHEN, Hai. Catalytic ozonation for water and wastewater treatment: recent advances and perspective. Science of the Total Environment, v. 704, 135249, 2020.
, some toxic disinfection by-products can be formed during the ATZ ozonation process, especially trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids, which have had a negative effect on human health. To mitigate this environmental impact, the catalytic ozonation process has earned increasing attention in recent years, as recent studies report a potentiate of the efficiency of ozone in the degradation of ATZ in the presence of other oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide, nitrite, and hydroxylamine, among others, as well as combined processes with microwaves, UV, and membranes (Kolosov; Yargeau, 2019KOLOSOV, Petr; YARGEAU, Viviane. Impact of catalyst load, chemical oxygen demand and nitrite on disinfection and removal of contaminants during catalytic ozonation of wastewater. Science of the Total Environment, v. 651, p. 2139-2147, 2019.
; Rajah et al., 2019RAJAH, Zouhour; GUIZA, Monia; SOLÍS, Rafael R.; RIVAS, Francisco Javier; OUEDERNI, Abdelmottaleb. Catalytic and photocatalytic ozonation with activated carbon as technologies in the removal of aqueous micropollutants. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 382, p. 111961, 2019.


Beltrán, Ovejero, and Acedo (1993)BELTRÁN NOVILLO, Fernando J.; OVEJERO, Gabriel; ACEDO, Benito. Oxidation of atrazine in water by ultraviolet radiation combined with hydrogen peroxide. Water Research, v. 27, n. 6, p. 1013-1021, 1993.
carried out one of the first studies involving the degradation of the pesticide atrazine in water as a function of the photoperoxidation process. In this study, the addition of different concentrations of H2O2 was analyzed with the aid of a mercury lamp (15 W), emitting radiation at 254 nm. For an H2O2 concentration of 0.01 M, approximately 99% of the ATZ oxidation rate was obtained just after 7 min of the process. When subjected to higher concentrations of H2O2, there was an abrupt decrease in efficiency, which was explained by the excess reagent added to the reaction. It is known that with excess peroxide and high concentrations of HO, competitive reactions occur that slow the degradation rate (Ferreira; Maniero; Guimarães, 2015FERREIRA, Gabriela F.; MANIERO, Milena G.; GUIMARÃES, José R. Degradation of sucralose by peroxidation assisted with ultraviolet radiation and photo-Fenton. International Journal of Engineering and Technology, v. 7, n. 5, p. 438-444, 2015.
), but the conversion of H2O2 to hydroxyl radicals did not show results greater than 10% in any of the cases studied. These results were due to the amount of H2O2 added. However, it should be noted that there was a higher generation of hydrogen peroxide molecules because of the parallel reactions of the generation of the hydroperoxyl radical.

De Laat et al. (1999)DE LAAT, Joseph D.; GALLARD, Hervé; ANCELIN, S.; LEGUBE, Bernard. Comparative study of the oxidation of atrazine and acetone by H2O2/UV, Fe(III)/UV, Fe(III)/H2O2/UV and Fe(II) or Fe(III)/H2O2. Chemosphere, v. 39, n. 15, p. 2693-2706, 1999.
performed a comparative kinetic study of processes using H2O2 in a cylindrical photochemical reactor with a low-pressure mercury-vapor lamp. The initial study conditions were [ATZ]=100 μg L−1, and the pH was adjusted to 3.0 using solutions of perchloric acid and sodium perchlorate. At a dosage of 0.5–5 mM H2O2, a degradation of 90% of ATZ was achieved. Chen et al. (2011)CHEN, Huilun; BRAMANTI, Emilia; LONGO, Iginio; ONOR, Massimo; FERRARI, Carlo. Oxidative decomposition of atrazine in water in the presence of hydrogen peroxide using an innovative microwave photochemical reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 186, n. 2-3, p. 1808-1815, 2011.
investigated the oxidative decomposition of atrazine in water using a photochemical reactor and determined the ideal conditions for its decomposition. For [ATZ]=20.8 mg L−1, total degradation was achieved with a dose of 300 mg L−1 of hydrogen peroxide. In this study, the experiments were restricted to a nearly neutral pH value, between 5.0 and 7.0. The oxidation rate of the atrazine molecule depended on three distinct contributions in this case: UV incidence, H2O2 addition, and HO radicals generated. Thus, the action of hydrogen peroxide alone without combined photolysis did not result in a considerable oxidation potential for the degradation of this contaminant. In this case, two decomposition pathways of ATZ were highlighted: direct photolysis and HO radical oxidation. The applied treatment was not able to reach complete mineralization of the molecule, but it had a great contribution in inducing the dealkylation of aromatic ring lateral chains, including its byproducts having less toxicity than the original compound.

Fenton and photo-Fenton

The study conducted by Gallard and de Laat (2000)GALLARD, Hervé; de LAAT, Joseph D. Kinetic modelling of Fe(III)/H2O2 oxidation reactions in dilute aqueous solution using atrazine as a model organic compound. Water Research, v. 34, n. 12, p. 3107-3116, 2000.
was one of the pioneers in the kinetic evaluation of atrazine decomposition in the FeIII:H2O2 process. The concentrations used were 0.2 mM<H2O2 <1 mM and 1<H2O2:FeIII <5.103 at pH 3.0, and the degradation rate reached approximately 100% in less than 30 min. Chan and Chu (2003)CHAN, Kwai Hing; CHU, Wei. Modeling the reaction kinetics of Fenton’s process on the removal of atrazine. Chemosphere, v. 51, n. 4, p. 305-311, 2003.
also studied ATZ removal by the Fenton reaction in multiple concentration ratios of ferrous ions (3<FeII:H2O2 <0.33) and hydrogen peroxide (0.01 mM<H2O2 <0.2 mM), obtaining a sharp removal curve in the first minutes and then gradually slower during the reaction. The concentrations of ferrous ion and hydrogen peroxide are significant in the oxidation rate of ATZ. When a high dose of iron was employed, the number of ferrous ions consumed by the process was not considerable, and the oxidation capacity was not affected. Conversely, when the Fe2+ dosage was low, the action of H2O2 was notable in the oxidation by the Fenton process.

The research conducted by Barreiro et al. (2007)BARREIRO, Juliana C.; CAPELATO, Milton Duffles; MARTIN-NETO, Ladislau; HANSEN, Hans Christian Bruun. Oxidative decomposition of atrazine by a Fenton-like reaction in a H2O2/ferrihydrite system. Water Research, v. 41, n. 1, p. 55-62, 2007.
evaluated the oxidative decomposition of ATZ at different pHs in an abiotic process using ferrihydrite and H2O2 to investigate the influence of parameters such as pH, ferrihydrite, and H2O2 concentrations. The applied process was the Fenton-like reaction, which is characterized by the use of native or synthesized iron oxide (FeO, Fe2O3, and Fe3O4) instead of free iron ions (Cheng et al., 2016CHENG, Min; ZENG, Guangming; HUANG, Danlian; LAI, Cui; XU, Piao; ZHANG, Chen; LIU, Yang; WAN, Jia; GONG, Xiaomin; ZHU, Yuan. Degradation of atrazine by a novel Fenton-like process and assessment the influence on the treated soil. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 312, p. 184-191, 2016.
). The contribution of pH was confirmed by detecting oxidation rates 10 times faster at pH 3.0, stimulated by the formation of FeIII species. Therefore, when conducting experiments in a high pH range (6.5–8), the oxidation rate decreases, which can be explained by the reduction in the concentration of solubilized iron compounds in the system since ferrihydrite is better solubilized at acid pH.

Fenton-like reactions have an unconventional character for not using free iron ions, which means that they are replaced by iron-based industrial by-products or native iron compounds, thus making the Fenton-like reaction a sustainable alternative. However, this process is three times slower than conventional Fenton, as the regeneration of FeII is mainly responsible for the total reaction time. In this system, there is also the production of HO2, which is a radical with a lower oxidation potential compared to HO (Romero et al., 2020ROMERO, Romina; CONTRERAS, David; SEPÚLVEDA, Mónica; MORENO, Nataly; SEGURA, Cristina; MELIN, Victoria. Assessment of a Fenton reaction driven by insoluble tannins from pine bark in treating an emergent contaminant. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 382, p. 120982, 2020.
). Therefore, there is a growing interest in designing working conditions more favorable to the Fenton-like reaction, expanding the time and pH range required (Zhang; Zhou, 2019ZHANG, Ying; ZHOU, Minghua. A critical review of the application of chelating agents to enable Fenton and Fenton-like reactions at high pH values. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 362, p. 436-450, 2019.
). Rocha et al. (2024)ROCHA, Amanda Camelo da; DANTAS, Ádila de Oliveira Sampaio; VIEIRA, Patrícia Angélica; CARDOSO, Vicelma Luiz. Evaluation of basalt powder as a natural heterogeneous catalyst in photo-Fenton like treatment of atrazine. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 446, 115149, 2024.
used the extraction residue, basalt powder, as a natural photo-Fenton catalyst for ATZ degradation under UV-C (96%) and visible (56%) light under circumneutral pH. The authors evaluated the reusability of the catalyst, the degradation of by-products desethyl-atrazine (DEA), desisopropyl-atrazine (DIA), and hydroxyatrazine (HA), and toxicity tests. The research carried out by Gonçalves et al. (2020)GONÇALVES, Bárbara R.; GUIMARÃES, Ronaldo O.; BATISTA, Letícia L.; UEIRA-VIEIRA, Carlos; STARLING, Maria Clara V. M.; TROVÓ, Alam G. Reducing toxicity and antimicrobial activity of a pesticide mixture via photo-Fenton in different aqueous matrices using iron complexes. Science of the Total Environment, v. 740, 140152, 2020.
evaluated a photo-Fenton process using organic iron ligands, biodegradable ethylenediamine-N and N′-disuccinic acid, to allow application in a wide pH range (3–9). This system achieved a 98% degradation of ATZ in only 15 min at pH 6.0, achieving greater mineralization than classic photo-Fenton at pH 2.7.


In the 1960s, photocatalysis emerged as an alternative to remove pesticides such as ATZ from contaminated water (Ameta et al., 2018AMETA, Rakshit; SOLANKI, Meenakshi S.; BENJAMIN, Surbhi; AMETA, Suresh C. Photocatalysis. In: AMETA, Suresh C.; AMETA, Rakshit. Advanced Oxidation Processes for Waste Water Treatment. Academic Press, 2018. cap. 6, p. 135-175.
; Long et al., 2020LONG, Zeqing; LI, Qiangang; WEI, Ting; ZHANG, Guangming; REN, Zhijun. Historical development and prospects of photocatalysts for pollutant removal in water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 395, 122599, 2020.
). The homogeneous catalytic degradation processes include transition metal ions (Mn2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Cu2+, and Zn2+) as catalysts and result in the efficient degradation of organic pollutants (Xu et al., 2019XU, Ximeng; CHEN, Weiming; ZONG, Shaoyan; REN, Xu; LIU, Dan. Atrazine degradation using Fe3O4-sepiolite catalyzed persulfate: reactivity, mechanism and stability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 377, p. 62-69, 2019.
; Wang; Chen, 2020WANG, Jianlong; CHEN, Hai. Catalytic ozonation for water and wastewater treatment: recent advances and perspective. Science of the Total Environment, v. 704, 135249, 2020.
). Wang et al. (2019)WANG, Guoying; CHENG, Cheng; ZHU, Jianchao; WANG, Lijun; GAO, Shengwang; XIA, Xunfeng. Enhanced degradation of atrazine by nanoscale LaFe1-xCuxO3-δ perovskite activated peroxymonosulfate: performance and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, v. 673, p. 565-575, jul. 2019.
studied the degradation of ATZ at an initial concentration of 23 μM in the presence of activated peroxymonosulfate (PMS) by Cu-doped LaFeO3 perovskite. In both heterogeneous and homogenous activation of PMS, ATZ was removed almost in its entirety; however, the homogeneous reaction process contributed limitedly to PMS activation. Cobalt-mediated activation of PMS was investigated by Chan and Chu (2009)CHAN, Kwai Hing; CHU, Wei. Degradation of atrazine by cobalt-mediated activation of peroxymonosulfate: different cobalt counteranions in homogenous process and cobalt oxide catalysts in photolytic heterogeneous process. Water Research, v. 43, n. 9, p. 2513-2521, 2009.
with 95% ATZ removal by homogeneous process at an initial concentration of 0.1 mM, but four times slower than by heterogeneous process, in which PMS was activated by Co-TiO2 particles in the presence of UV-Vis. Although homogeneous catalysis is an efficient process for removing organic pollutants because of the high solubility of transition metals, it is not technologically feasible to recover them, thus leading to secondary pollution caused by residual metal ions (Wang et al., 2019WANG, Guoying; CHENG, Cheng; ZHU, Jianchao; WANG, Lijun; GAO, Shengwang; XIA, Xunfeng. Enhanced degradation of atrazine by nanoscale LaFe1-xCuxO3-δ perovskite activated peroxymonosulfate: performance and mechanism. Science of the Total Environment, v. 673, p. 565-575, jul. 2019.
; Xu et al., 2019XU, Ximeng; CHEN, Weiming; ZONG, Shaoyan; REN, Xu; LIU, Dan. Atrazine degradation using Fe3O4-sepiolite catalyzed persulfate: reactivity, mechanism and stability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 377, p. 62-69, 2019.

Therefore, research has focused on heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis by insoluble metal oxides. Santacruz-Chávez et al. (2015)SANTACRUZ-CHÁVEZ, Jorge A.; OROS-RUIZ, Socorro; PRADO, Blanca; ZANELLA, Rodolfo. Photocatalytic degradation of atrazine using TiO2 superficially modified with metallic nanoparticles. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 3, n. 4, p. 3055-3061, 2015.
used TiO2 in metallic nanoparticles, including Au, Ni, and Cu, by deposition–precipitation for the degradation and mineralization of the pesticide atrazine in solutions with an initial concentration of 25 ppm. The Au/TiO2 catalyst was the most successful in approximately 80% of the degradation of ATZ, followed by Cu/TiO2 and Ni/TiO2. Aragay, Pino, and Merkoçi (2012)ARAGAY, Gemma; PINO, Flavio; MERKOÇI, Arben. Nanomaterials for sensing and destroying pesticides. Chemical Reviews, v. 112, n. 10, p. 5317-5338, 2012.
reported that photocatalysis of ATZ by ceramic modified with TiO2 resulted in excellent catalyst performance concerning the degradation of ATZ with a removal efficiency of 96% of total organic carbon (TOC).

Moreover, recent studies on heterogeneous catalysis have been published that aim to remove ATZ, mainly regarding persulfate-based advanced oxidation processes (Li et al., 2019LI, Xiaowan; LIU, Xitao; LIN, Chunye; ZHANG, Huijuan; ZHOU, Zhou; FAN, Guoxuan; HE, Mengchang; OUYANG, Wei. Activation of peroxymonosulfate by magnetic catalysts derived from drinking water treatment residuals for the degradation of atrazine. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 366, p. 402-412, 2019.
). Shen et al. (2020)SHEN, Ziye; ZHOU, Hongyu; PAN, Zhicheng; GUO, Yong; YUAN, Yue; YAO, Gang; LAI, Bo. Degradation of atrazine by Bi2MoO6 activated peroxymonosulfate under visible light irradiation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 400, 123187, 2020. applied bismuth molybdate nanosheets (Bi2MoO6) to activate PMS, resulting in a 99% ATZ removal efficiency at an initial concentration of 2.5 mg L−1 under visible light irradiation after 60 min of reaction. Xu et al. (2019)XU, Ximeng; CHEN, Weiming; ZONG, Shaoyan; REN, Xu; LIU, Dan. Atrazine degradation using Fe3O4-sepiolite catalyzed persulfate: reactivity, mechanism and stability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 377, p. 62-69, 2019.
fabricated a new Fe3O4-sepiolite magnetic composite that was used as a catalyst to activate persulfate and resulted in the degradation of 71.6% of ATZ and 20.9% of solution TOC after 60 min with an initial concentration of 10 mM of ATZ. In short, heterogeneous catalysis, more specifically semiconductor-supported solar photocatalysis, has attracted attention in environmental remediation for removing atrazine owing to its unique characteristics of low cost and higher thermal and mechanical stability without residue formation. Although excellent pollutant removal efficiency exists, the catalyst properties, such as synthesis methods, energy-bandgap structure, crystallinity, surface features, and reusability, must be investigated.

Electrochemical processes

Malpass et al. (2006)MALPASS, Geoffroy Roger Pointer; MIWA, Douglas W.; MACHADO, Sérgio Antonio Spinola; OLIVI, Paulo; MOTHEO, Artur J. Oxidation of the pesticide atrazine at DSA® electrodes. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 137, n. 1, p. 565-572, 2006.
published a study of the electrochemical oxidation of the pesticide ATZ at a Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2 dimensionally stable anode under the effect of using different supporting electrolytes, such as NaCl, NaOH, NaNO3, NaClO4, H2SO4, and Na2SO4. It was observed that the removal of ATZ was achieved only at considerable rates when NaCl was used as the supporting electrolyte because of the oxidizing species formed in this electrolyte. Therefore, the efficiency of these electrochemical processes would be directly related to the performance of fluid dynamics in the cells used. Barbosa et al. (2018)BARBOSA, Marcus Paulo Rosa; LIMA, Nayara Silva; MATOS, Danielle Barbosa de; FELISARDO, Raul José Alves; SANTOS, Gláucia Nicolau; SALAZAR-BANDA, Giancarlo Richard; CAVALCANTI, Eliane Bezerra. Degradation of pesticide mixture by electro-Fenton in filter-press reactor. Journal of Water Process Engineering, v. 25, p. 222-235, 2018.
indicated factors that must be considered when designing an electrochemical reactor, such as size and geometry, fluid flow and electrode reaction kinetics, current intensity, potential difference and concentration distribution, heat transfer, costs, and operational simplicity.

Studies have supported the improvement of Electro-Fenton for the degradation of ATZ. Cao et al. (2020)CAO, Peike; QUAN, Xie; ZHAO, Kun; CHEN, Shuo; YU, Hongtao; NIU, Junfeng. Selective electrochemical H2O2 generation and activation on a bifunctional catalyst for heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 382, 121102, 2020.
improved the electro-Fenton process by designing a bifunctional catalyst with FeOx nanoparticles embedded into nitrogen-doped hierarchically porous carbon. The activity and selectivity for the catalytic production of H2O2 were improved. The catalyst exhibited excellent electro-Fenton performance for the degradation of sulfamethoxazole, atrazine, rhodamine B, and 2,4-dichlorophenol (all at 50 ppm) in a neutral reaction solution with 95%, 96%, 99%, and 99% in 90 min, respectively. In Electro-Fenton processes, there can be in situ generation of Fenton’s reagents, and the formation of sludge is too low. But the problem is that energy is required for their installation and operational costs. However, the advantage of this process is that it can degrade pesticides such as atrazine in higher concentrations more successfully than by some conventional processes.

Emerging hybrid systems

Due to the poor performance of conventional treatment processes for the removal of several emerging contaminants, a variety of hybrid treatment systems have been reported in the literature, and significant improvements have been achieved in their application in wastewater treatment in the last few years (Dhangar; Kumar, 2020DHANGAR, Kiran; KUMAR, Manish. Tricks and tracks in removal of emerging contaminants from the wastewater through hybrid treatment systems: a review. Science of the Total Environment, v. 738, 140320, 2020.
; Ahmed et al., 2017AHMED, Mohammad Boshir; ZHOU, John L.; NGO, Huu Hao; GUO, Wenshan; THOMAIDIS, Nikolaos S.; XU, Jiang. Progress in the biological and chemical treatment technologies for emerging contaminant removal from wastewater: a critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 323, p. 274-298, 2017.
). The different aspects of AOPs have been used to improve the effectiveness of various physical and biological treatment systems through the exploration of hybrid systems. Hybrid systems using AOPs are summarized in Table 3.

Table 3
Removal efficiencies of ATZ by hybrid systems.

Li et al. (2013)LI, Kexin; CHEN, Tong; YAN, Liushui; DAI, Yuhua; HUANG, Zhimin; XIONG, Jingjing; SONG, Dongyang; LV, Ying; ZENG, Zhenxing. Design of graphene and silica co-doped titania composites with ordered mesostructure and their simulated sunlight photocatalytic performance towards atrazine degradation. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, v. 422, p. 90-99, 2013.
, Sacco et al. (2015)SACCO, Olga; VAIANO, Vincenzo; HAN, Changseok; SANNINO, Diana; DIONYSIOU, D. Dionysiou. Photocatalytic removal of atrazine using N-doped TiO2 supported on phosphors. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, v. 164, p. 462-474, 2015.
, Yola, Eren, and Atar (2014)YOLA, Mehmet Lütfi; EREN, Tanju; ATAR, Necip. A novel efficient photocatalyst based on TiO2 nanoparticles involved boron enrichment waste for photocatalytic degradation of atrazine. Chemical Engineering Journal, v. 250, p. 288-294, 2014.
, Atarodi and Faghihian (2019)ATARODI, Homa; FAGHIHIAN, Hossein. Selective photodegradation of atrazine by a novel molecularly imprinted nanophotocatalyst prepared on the basis of chitosan. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 382, 111892, 2019.
, and Santacruz-Chávez et al. (2015)SANTACRUZ-CHÁVEZ, Jorge A.; OROS-RUIZ, Socorro; PRADO, Blanca; ZANELLA, Rodolfo. Photocatalytic degradation of atrazine using TiO2 superficially modified with metallic nanoparticles. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, v. 3, n. 4, p. 3055-3061, 2015.
evaluated the heterogeneous photocatalysis process with modified TiO2 and ZnO catalysts through the deposition–precipitation procedure on sol-gel, agitation, ultrasonic bath, and calcination, providing high efficiency of ATZ removal (80%–94%) under UV-Solar and UV-Vis exposure. The use of these catalysts is conventionally carried out under UV irradiation, considering the energy required for the activation of the photocatalysts. However, after co-doping by graphene-SiO2, nitrogen and phosphorous (N/P), chitosan, and boron (B), respectively, showed high efficiency in the visible spectrum. Komtchou et al. (2020)KOMTCHOU, Simon; DELEGAN, Nazar; DIRANY, Ahmad; DROGUI, Patrick; ROBERT, Didier; KHAKANI, My Ali El. Photo-electrocatalytic oxidation of atrazine using sputtured deposited TiO2: WN photoanodes under UV/visible light. Catalysis Today, v. 340, p. 323-333, 2020.
, in addition to modifying the catalyst by introducing N2 reactive gas into TiO2 and WO3 targets and through the magnetron sputtering process on photoanodes for higher photoelectrocatalytic efficiency, performed a coagulation/flocculation process followed by nanofiltration combined with heterogeneous photocatalysis, resulting in a 99% removal of ATZ.

It should be noted that the simultaneous application of microwave (MW) and UV irradiation leads to better results in photochemical processes because of its potential to accelerate the chemical reaction, therefore providing higher yields and selectivity in photochemical processes (Církva; Hájek, 1999CÍRKVA, Vladimír; HÁJEK, Milan. Microwave photochemistry. Photoinitiated radical addition of tetrahydrofuran to perfluorohexylethene under microwave irradiation. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, v. 123, n. 1-3, p. 21-23, 1999.
). In this perspective, the study conducted by Chen et al. (2011)CHEN, Huilun; BRAMANTI, Emilia; LONGO, Iginio; ONOR, Massimo; FERRARI, Carlo. Oxidative decomposition of atrazine in water in the presence of hydrogen peroxide using an innovative microwave photochemical reactor. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 186, n. 2-3, p. 1808-1815, 2011.
focused on combined AOP photoperoxidation with MW, resulting in the complete mineralization of ATZ. Zhanqi et al. (2007)ZHANQI, Gao; SHAOGUI, Yang; NA, Ta; CHENG, Sun. Microwave assisted rapid and complete degradation of atrazine using TiO2 nanotube photocatalyst suspensions. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 145, n. 3, p. 424-430, 2007.
proposed the addition of MW-assisted photocatalysis on conventional TiO2 with 98.5% removal of ATZ. Ramasundaram et al. (2017)RAMASUNDARAM, Subramaniyan; SEID, Mingizem Gashaw; LEE, Wonseop; KIM, Chan UI; KIM, Eun-Ju; HONG, Seok Won; CHOI, Kyoung Jin. Preparation, characterization, and application of TiO2-patterned polyimide film as a photocatalyst for oxidation of organic contaminants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 340, p. 300-308, 2017.
, Rozas et al. (2017)ROZAS, Oscar; BAEZA, Carolina; NÚÑEZ, Katherine; ROSSNER, Alfred; URRUTIA, Roberto; MANSILLA, Héctor D. Organic micropollutants (OMPs) oxidation by ozone: effect of activated carbon on toxicity abatement. Science Of The Total Environment, v. 590-591, p. 430-439, jul. 2017.
, Restivo et al. (2013)RESTIVO, João; ÓRFÃO, José J. M.; PEREIRA, Manuel F. R.; GARCIA-BORDEJÉ, Enrique; ROCHE, Pascal; BOURDIN, Delphine; HOUSSAIS, Béatrice; COSTE, Marielle; DERROUICHE, Salim. Catalytic ozonation of organic micropollutants using carbon nanofibers supported on monoliths. Chemical Engineering Journal, v. 230, p. 115-123, 2013.
, and Ahmed et al. (2017)AHMED, Mohammad Boshir; ZHOU, John L.; NGO, Huu Hao; GUO, Wenshan; THOMAIDIS, Nikolaos S.; XU, Jiang. Progress in the biological and chemical treatment technologies for emerging contaminant removal from wastewater: a critical review. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 323, p. 274-298, 2017.
reported that the ozonation process combined with activated carbon (AC) and biological activated carbon (BAC) promoted an efficiency of 70%–90% in ATZ degradation. When combined, ozonation promotes the generation of hydroxyl radicals that oxidize the contaminant adsorbed by activated carbon (Reungoat et al., 2012REUNGOAT, Julien; ESCHER, Beate Isabella; MACOVA, Miroslava; ARGAUD, Francois Xavier; GERNJAK, Wolfgang; KELLER, Jurg. Ozonation and biological activated carbon filtration of wastewater treatment plant effluents. Water Research, v. 46, n. 3, p. 863-872, 2012.

Furthermore, there is the development of technologies to remove organic pollutants using the physicochemical properties of AOPs and the mineralization promoted by microorganisms (He et al., 2019HE, Huijun; LIU, Yongpan; YOU, Shaohong; LIU, Jie; XIAO, He; TU, Zhihong. A review on recent treatment technology for herbicide atrazine in contaminated environment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, v. 16, n. 24, p. 5129, 2019.
). Mahlalela et al. (2021)MAHLALELA, Lwazi Charles; CASADO, Cintia; MARUGÁN, Javier; SEPTIEN, Santiago; NDLOVU, Thabile; DLAMINI, Langelihle Nsikayezwe. Coupling biological and photocatalytic treatment of atrazine and tebuthiuron in aqueous solution. Journal of Water Process Engineering, v. 40, p. 101918, 2021.
proposed a biological treatment based on an activated sludge system coupled with a photoreactor using a heterojunction of BiVO4–Bi2O3 as the photocatalyst to remove ATZ at 0.0185 mM. The biological process was ineffective in the degradation of ATZ due to the possible toxicity of the compounds to the microorganisms present in the activated sludge, as the acclimatization time suggested by the authors (27–40 days) was not sufficient to increase the resistance of microorganisms to the pesticide, which generated a reduction in the efficiency of the treatment. However, with the application of the photocatalytic treatment, 70% degradation of ATZ was obtained. Hu et al. (2021)HU, Naitao; XU, Yinfeng; SUN, Chen; ZHU, Lianwen; SUN, Shiqing; ZHAO, Yongjun; HU, Changwei. Removal of atrazine in catalytic degradation solutions by microalgae Chlorella sp and evaluation of toxicity of degradation products via algal growth and photosynthetic activity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 207, 111546, 2021.
evaluated the removal and bioaccumulation capacity of ATZ by Chlorella sp. microalgae under UV-A irradiation (365 nm), and the photocatalytic degradation results showed that 31.4% of atrazine degradation occurred after 60 min, with detection of three degradation products, DIA, DEA, and desethyl-desisopropyl-atrazine (DEIA), and 83.0% removal of ATZ at 40 μg L−1 after 8 days. Similarly, Shin, Kim, and Park (2019)SHIN, Dong-chul; KIM, Ji-suk; PARK, Chul-hwi. Study on physical and chemical characteristics of microorganism immobilized media for advanced wastewater treatment. Journal of Water Process Engineering, v. 29, 100784, 2019.
used microorganisms immobilized on catalytic materials to form a biomaterial with physicochemical and biological efficiency simultaneously. Yu et al. (2018)YU, Jiaping; HE, Huijun; YANG, William L.; YANG, Chunping; ZENG, Guangming; WU, Xin. Magnetic bionanoparticles of Penicillium sp. yz11-22N2 doped with Fe3O4 and encapsulated within PVA-SA gel beads for atrazine removal. Bioresource Technology, v. 260, p. 196-203, jul. 2018.
synthesized a magnetic bionanomaterial of Penicillium sp. yz11-22N2 doped with nano Fe3O4 entrapped in gel beads polyvinyl alcohol-sodium alginate (PVA-SA) (PFEPS) and promoted the degradation of 91.2% ATZ at 8 mg L−1. According to the authors, nano Fe3O4 may promote atrazine degradation by reductive dichlorination. Moreover, nano Fe3O4 provided nutrients for the growth of the microorganism, which enabled atrazine degradation through its metabolism because it was the sole source of either carbon or nitrogen.


Several studies have focused on both identifying such substances and assessing their toxicity in comparison to ATZ, as the main goal in ATZ removal and degradation processes is to obtain by-products (described in detail in Supplementary Information) that are less toxic than the former pollutant to justify the application of the chosen treatment. In this regard, toxicity analysis has been implemented to enable a better evaluation of the effluent. Some of the main toxicity tests conducted in studies about the treatment of recalcitrant pollutants are bioassays with Vibrio fischeri luminescent bacteria, Daphnia magna crustacean, Hyalella azteca and Diporeia spp. amphipods, Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata unicellular algae, Drosophila melanogaster fly, and Lactuca sativa lettuce seeds (Choi; Kim; Lee, 2013CHOI, Hyun-Jin; KIM, Daekeun; LEE, Tae-Jin. Photochemical degradation of atrazine in UV and UV/H2O2process: pathways and toxic effects of products. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B, v. 48, n. 11, p. 927-934, 2013.
; Gonçalves et al., 2020GONÇALVES, Bárbara R.; GUIMARÃES, Ronaldo O.; BATISTA, Letícia L.; UEIRA-VIEIRA, Carlos; STARLING, Maria Clara V. M.; TROVÓ, Alam G. Reducing toxicity and antimicrobial activity of a pesticide mixture via photo-Fenton in different aqueous matrices using iron complexes. Science of the Total Environment, v. 740, 140152, 2020.
; Tavares et al., 2020TAVARES, Marcela Gomes Rodrigues; SANTOS, Luiz Henrique da Silva; TAVARES, Mariana Gomes; DUARTE, José Leandro da Silva; MEILI, Lucas; PIMENTEL, Wagner Roberto O.; TONHOLO, Josealdo; ZANTA, Carmem Lúcia de Paiva e Silva. Removal of Reactive Dyes from Aqueous Solution by Fenton Reaction: kinetic study and phytotoxicity tests. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, v. 231, n. 82, p. 1-15, 2020.

ATZ is potentially toxic at different trophic levels, causing photosystem inhibition, changes in growth and enzymatic processes in microalgae, mutagenicity, genotoxicity, and endocrine disruption in aquatic organisms, oxidative stress and DNA damage in worms, enzyme inhibition, and changes in hepatic metabolism in fish, as well as affecting soil microbiota. ATZ contamination in humans can also cause carcinogenic effects as well as negative effects on the endocrine system, such as reduced testosterone production and sperm abnormalities (Rostami et al., 2021ROSTAMI, Saeid; JAFARI, Shaghayegh; MOEINI, Zohre; JASKULAK, Marta; KESHTGAR, Leila; BADEENEZHAD, Ahmad; AZHDARPOOR, Abooalfazl; ROSTAMI, Majid; ZORENA, Katarzyna; DEHGHANI, Mansooreh. Current methods and technologies for degradation of atrazine in contaminated soil and water: a review. Environmental Technology & Innovation, v. 24, 102019, 2021.
). Regarding the ATZ toxicity by-products, Xu et al. (2019)XU, Ximeng; CHEN, Weiming; ZONG, Shaoyan; REN, Xu; LIU, Dan. Atrazine degradation using Fe3O4-sepiolite catalyzed persulfate: reactivity, mechanism and stability. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 377, p. 62-69, 2019.
stated that the dealkylation by-products (DEA and DIA) are less toxic than themselves, and the hydroxylated products do not show toxicity in aquatic organisms. According to the study conducted by Choi, Kim, and Lee (2013)CHOI, Hyun-Jin; KIM, Daekeun; LEE, Tae-Jin. Photochemical degradation of atrazine in UV and UV/H2O2process: pathways and toxic effects of products. Journal of Environmental Science and Health: Part B, v. 48, n. 11, p. 927-934, 2013.
about the by-products of the UV and UV/H2O2 processes in the degradation of ATZ, the toxicity analysis of the intermediates follows the order: HA>ATZ>DEA~DIA>DEIA. The hydroxydeethylatrazine and ammeline (DEHA and DEIHA) are two compounds that show no toxicity through the Daphnia magna toxicological method.


Despite the high efficiency in the degradation of ATZ and its intermediates, the AOPs hardly reach the total mineralization of this compound. One of the main challenges in the field of treatment of emerging pollutants is to promote a treatment in which these analytics are decomposed into inorganic compounds characteristic of the end of their degradation pathways. Accordingly, there is an incentive for research involving the study of hybrid treatments, whether between AOPs, with modification of heterogeneous catalysts, or even the addition of physical processes (see Table 3).

Whereas, when compared with other treatment technologies, the operating cost of AOP methods can be relatively high, the preparation of photocatalysts with excellent solar properties, reusability capacity, and low environmental impact is also the focus of future research. However, the view of the unique physicochemical properties of atrazine, it is difficult to achieve ideal removal efficiency without the generation of hazardous intermediates during the treatment in real matrices. In this sense, there is a lack of studies that emphasize the design of water treatment plants with economical approaches to remove several types of pesticides simultaneously. Furthermore, the identification of toxicity should be part of journal publishing requirements, as should a cost evaluation of the process with the finality of providing additional information to improve communication and transparency for the application of these AOPs.


A variety of different physical, chemical, and biological technologies have been used to remove or degrade atrazine from water in recent decades. Difficulty in biodegradation using physical and biological treatments has been reported. Chemical oxidation treatment technologies such as photolysis, ozonation, photoperoxidation, Fenton and photo-Fenton, photocatalysis, and electrochemical processes are considered the most efficient. The advantages and challenges of the different AOPs are summarized in Table 4. In conclusion, hybrid systems have recently been applied to improve the removal of this pollutant in real matrices.

Table 4
Advantages and challenges of different technologies in the removal of ATZ.


  • ABARIKWU, Sunny O.; COSTA, Guilherme M. J.; LARA, Nathalia de Lima E Martins; LACERDA, Samyra M. S. N.; FRANÇA, Luiz R. de. Atrazine impairs testicular function in BalB/c mice by affecting Leydig cells. Toxicology, v. 455, p. 152761, 2021.
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  • ALBUQUERQUE, Felícia Pereira de; OLIVEIRA, Jhones Luiz de; MOSCHINI-CARLOS, Viviane; FRACETO, Leonardo Fernandes. An overview of the potential impacts of atrazine in aquatic environments: perspectives for tailored solutions based on nanotechnology. Science of the Total Environment, v. 700, 134868, 2020.
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  • BARBOSA, Marcus Paulo Rosa; LIMA, Nayara Silva; MATOS, Danielle Barbosa de; FELISARDO, Raul José Alves; SANTOS, Gláucia Nicolau; SALAZAR-BANDA, Giancarlo Richard; CAVALCANTI, Eliane Bezerra. Degradation of pesticide mixture by electro-Fenton in filter-press reactor. Journal of Water Process Engineering, v. 25, p. 222-235, 2018.
  • BARREIRO, Juliana C.; CAPELATO, Milton Duffles; MARTIN-NETO, Ladislau; HANSEN, Hans Christian Bruun. Oxidative decomposition of atrazine by a Fenton-like reaction in a H2O2/ferrihydrite system. Water Research, v. 41, n. 1, p. 55-62, 2007.
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  • BIANCHI, Claudia L.; PIROLA, Carlo; RAGAINI, Vittorio; SELLI, Elena. Mechanism and efficiency of atrazine degradation under combined oxidation processes. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, v. 64, n. 1-2, p. 131-138, abr. 2006.
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  • BOHN, Torsten; COCCO, Emilio; GOURDOL, Laurent; GUIGNARD, Cedric; HOFFMANN, Lucien. Determination of atrazine and degradation products in Luxembourgish drinking water: origin and fate of potential endocrine-disrupting pesticides. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, v. 28, n. 8, p. 1041-1054, 2011.
  • BOURGINE, F.P.; CHAPMAN, J.I.; KERAI, H.; DUVAL, J.L.; GREEN, J.G.; HAMILTON, D. The Degradation of Atrazine and Other Pesticides by Photolysis. Water and Environment Journal, v. 9, n. 4, p. 417-422, 1995.
  • CAMPOS-PEREIRA, Franco D.; OLIVEIRA, Camila A.; PIGOSO, Acácio A.; SILVA-ZACARIN, Elaine C. M.; BARBIERI, Renata; SPATTI, Erika F.; MARIN-MORALES, Maria A.; SEVERI-AGUIAR, Grasiela D. C. Early cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of atrazine on Wistar rat liver: a morphological, immunohistochemical, biochemical, and molecular study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, v. 78, p. 170-177, 2012.
  • CAO, Peike; QUAN, Xie; ZHAO, Kun; CHEN, Shuo; YU, Hongtao; NIU, Junfeng. Selective electrochemical H2O2 generation and activation on a bifunctional catalyst for heterogeneous electro-Fenton catalysis. Journal of Hazardous Materials, v. 382, 121102, 2020.
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  • Funding:

    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES), and Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG).

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    23 Sept 2024
  • Date of issue


  • Received
    08 Feb 2024
  • Accepted
    17 June 2024
Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental - ABES Av. Beira Mar, 216 - 13º Andar - Castelo, 20021-060 Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brasil - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil