This paper aims to present the construction of a household environmental health index focused on rural areas (ISA/DR) as a tool for diagnosis and assessment of the rural health-environment conditions, as well as its application for Amazon rural communities. The ISA/DR construction was conducted based on three benchmarks: the theory of environmental health index for spontaneous urban areas occupations; the theoretical and conceptual aspects of the relation between water supply, sanitation and health; and the information from sanitation and socioeconomic surveys in Amazon rural communities. To quantify the different levels of environmental health situation of rural household, we applied the ISA/DR to households in eight communities located in two protected areas for sustainable use in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Although the communities present relatively homogeneous social, economic, cultural and environmental characteristics, the use of ISA/DR as a tool for representing the phenomena of the experienced reality (household environmental health) was sensitive enough to capture the variation in the environmental health status among households of the studied communities. Therefore, we conclude that ISA/DR could be used as a tool that could direct investment priorities and public policies actions that aim at reversing the reality of environmental health of Brazilian rural households.
Keywords: Amazon; rural household; index; environmental health