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Study of Rustic Species in a Pasture Area and in the Atlantic Forest Remnants in Piraí, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Rustic species are those capable of being established on land with steep slopes; low infiltration; stony, shallow, poor-nutrient soil; such as the areas undergoing intense human activities, like cattle-raising and annual fires. This work sampled and examined the occurrence of arboreal rustic species in pasture areas and in disturbed 28-year-old forest remnants without conservation measures other than isolation from cattle. Both areas show similar physical environmental and ecological factors. The study was conducted within the ‘Cacaria’ river watershed, located in the ‘Cacaria’ district in Piraí, in the southern part of State of Rio de Janeiro. 131 individual trees were sampled in an approximately 22 ha disturbed pasture area. The trees were distributed in 14 species and grouped in nine families. 130 individual trees belonging to 21 species and 13 families were sampled in 10 ample plots (0.1 ha) in the forest remnants. The rustic species of greater abundance were: Guarea guidonia, Tabernaemontana laeta, Peltophorum dubium and Sparattosperma leucanthum, which were present in both study areas. These species colonized the area of pasture and the environment to promote the development of natural regeneration.

diversity; restoration; ‘Serra do Mar’; mountain ridge.

Instituto de Florestas da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, CEP 23897-000, Tel.: (21) 2682 0558 | (21) 3787-4033 - Seropédica - RJ - Brazil