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Deforestation in the Legal Amazon: Developments, Causes, Monitoring and Mitigation Possibilities Through the Amazon Fund


The present work aimed to study the deforested areas in the Amazon biome, analyzing the causes of deforestation occurred in the Brazilian states of the so called ‘Amazonia Legal’ until 2009. Two methods were used in order to assess the deforestation. The first evaluation was accomplished through the premise of (Brasil, 2008Brasil. Presidência da república. Casa Civil. Plano Amazônia Sustentável: Diretrizes para o desenvolvimento sustentável da Amazônia Brasileira. Brasília: Ministério do Meio Ambiente; 2008. 114 p.), which considers that the deforestation in the Amazon biome was of approximately 300,000 km2 in 1977. The second assessment was performed between 1978 and 2009, using the PRODES (Program for Calculation of Deforestation in the Amazon) system methodology. The results indicated that the greatest loss of the Amazon biome has occurred in the states of ‘Mato Grosso’ and ‘Tocantins’, with 48.95 and 59.12% respectively. The states of ‘Amapa’ and ‘Amazonas’ are among the least deforested ones between 1978 and 2009, considering the average deforestation rate, with 1.41 and 2.14%, respectively.

deforestation; juridical Amazon; Amazon fund.

Instituto de Florestas da Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro Rodovia BR 465 Km 7, CEP 23897-000, Tel.: (21) 2682 0558 | (21) 3787-4033 - Seropédica - RJ - Brazil