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Effects of expansive technical and incentive spirometry in respiratory muscle strength in institutionalized elderly

INTRODUCTION: Aging is a physiological process that brings with it several changes in the body system, including the decrease in respiratory muscle strength. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate MIP (maximal inspiration pressure), MEP (maximal expiratory pressure) and expiratory flow peak of institutionalized elderly before and after application of manual techniques and expansive flow-oriented incentive spirometry (Respiron®), and compare the results obtained. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A longitudinal study, case control study in an institution in Curitiba (PR), with 16 male individuals (70-80 years old). The subjects were selected and evaluated for their respiratory muscle strength through the manometer Indumed® and expiratory peak flow through the flow of Mini Wright® brand. The treatment program was conducted for 15 minutes, interspersed with one minute rest every four minutes of technique, three times a week for six consecutive weeks. After evaluation, the sample was randomly divided into groups: group 1 (G1, n = 7) - elderly submitted to the use the encouraged inspiratory (Respiron®) and to expansive techniques (diaphragmatic breathing exercises and compression/decompression); group 2 (G2, n = 7) - manual expansive techniques; group 3 (G3, n = 7) - inspiratory incentive; group 4 (G4, n = 7) - control group. RESULTS: There was an improvement for all variables before and after treatment for the experimental groups, but the emphasis is given to group II. CONCLUSION: This study showed satisfactory results with the application of techniques for lung expansion and Respiron® in respiratory muscle strength and expiratory flow peak of institutionalized elderly.

Institutionalized elderly; Respiratory muscle strength; Technical expansive

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1155 - Prado-Velho -, Curitiba - PR - CEP 80215-901, Telefone: (41) 3271-1608 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil