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The effect of hydrokinesiotherapy force in the behavior of muscle and flexibility in old sedentary

INTRODUCTION: Population aging is a challenge to health and each year there is an increase of this population. Among the characteristic anatomophysiological changes of this process, the ones of the muscular system are relevant, with the decreasing of muscle strength and flexibility during this step. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the effect of a hydrokinesiotherapy program on the behavior of muscle strength and flexibility in sedentary elderly. METHODS: Twenty-three sedentary women with functional independence and who did not undergo surgery in the last three months participated. The program took place over eight weeks with three weekly sessions of 55 minutes. The variables were evaluated at three time points (Pre, Post 1, Post 2). Muscle testing manual was used for evaluation of force, and for flexibility, the sit and reach test was applied. To compare the means of force was applied at three times the Friedman nonparametric test and a multiple comparison test associated with it. Applied the Page test to verify that the mean times were in ascending order. RESULTS: For flexibility, the averages were respectively 11.01 cm, 5.57 cm and 2.88 cm, which were significant. Data already in force, although there has not been statistically significant, the results obtained an ascending order: biceps - 4.49/5.00, abdominal - 2.22/4.48; hamstring - 4,35/5,00. CONCLUSION: Hydrokinesiotherapy program improved the muscle strength and flexibility of elderly women, confirming that an appropriate exercise program associated with the action of the physical properties of water are ideal for achieving the objective.

Hydrokinesioterapy; Muscular strength; Flexibility; Elders

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1155 - Prado-Velho -, Curitiba - PR - CEP 80215-901, Telefone: (41) 3271-1608 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil