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Assessment of frailty, functionality and fear of falling in elderly assisted at an outpatient gerontologic and geriatric clinic

The frailty syndrome is a condition associated to age-related vulnerability, bearing health outcomes such as falls, fear of falling, and disability. The purposes of this study were to determine frequency of frailty and to search for correlations between frailty and falls, fear of falling, and functionality, in a group of 30 elderly (mean age 75.7±7.6) registered at a geriatric outpatient clinic. They were assessed as to frailty according to features suggested by literature, and as to the outcomes falls, fear of falling, and functionality. The sample descriptive analysis identified 20% of frail, 46.7% of pre-frail and 33.3% of non-frail elderly. Significant differences were found between frail and pre-frail, and between frail and non-frail groups, as to functionality as measured by the Lawton scale (p=0.000), and as to fear of falling (assessed by the Falls Efficacy Scale - FES-I). A moderate, significant correlation was found between FES-I scores and the number of falls; and a moderate, inverse, significant correlation between FES-I scores and Lawton scale scores. Frailty frequency in the present study was greater than in previous ones. The significant differences found between groups according to frailty classification suggest that the most frail subjects had greater incapacity for activities of daily living and more fear of falling.

Frail elderly; Geriatric assessment

Universidade de São Paulo Rua Ovídio Pires de Campos, 225 2° andar. , 05403-010 São Paulo SP / Brasil, Tel: 55 11 2661-7703, Fax 55 11 3743-7462 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil