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Resistance against the medicalization of existence


This article aims to interrogate the practices of medicalization of bodies, in the present, and to describe some movements, associations and entities that participate in the resistance to the medicalization practices. It seeks to think what are the effects of these movements, what are their patterns and concerns and how articulate claims and criticisms, in view of the growing process of medicalization of existences and society. The object’s constitution and the labor problematic are discussed, starting with Michel Foucault and the contributions made in lectures, conferences and publications held in Brazil. Resistances are presented, described and analyzed within the limits of the national context, although they are also thought of in an international sphere, but this is not the case in this study. The presence of psychologies is marked in most of the resistance movements and, in several cases, has become the basis of criticism to medicalization, in the last decades with relevant action in this political and social.

resistances; social movements; medicalization; Brazil; Psychology

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia Campus do Gragoatá, bl O, sala 334, 24210-201 - Niterói - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: +55 21 2629-2845 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil