Through the theoretical compositions established by Foucault about power, technology of power and discourse, Guattari, Deleuze and Rolnik formulated a new perspective of theoretical articulation when they perceive that, in the midst of private relations, there are micropolicies that embodied as normalizing forces of human behaviors and desires. Based on these assumptions, this research articulated the themes of poverty and homosexuality, trying to think how homosexual lives are denied and inserted in the precarious conditions fomented by the discourses that condition homosexuality. The methodology in this production is diversified between a conceptual bibliographical review and an analysis of scenes from homosexual lives that chain together a production where the actions of subjection on these lives and their resistances / reactions are verified. It was selected three testimonies, found in excerpts from an interview granted by Pablo Vittar to the Trip Tv channel, and two more in narratives of another production made by the author in the year 2013.The idea of Indestructible Lives tries to show how micropolitics are generated that lead homosexual subjects to conditions of precariousness, and how, as a minefield of subjection their bodies, it produces resistances and lines of escape so that they survive through the normative conducts of their lives.
Keywords: micropolitics; poverty; homosexuality; indestructible lives