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Corporal and artistic practices, inventive learning and the care of the self


In the last years we have worked with corporal and artistic practices with students and communities, in institutions of health and spaces of artistic production, understanding that these practices promote the production of care, the encounter and the increase of the potency of life, according to an ethics which resists prescriptive, normative and exclusive models, focusing on the processes of subjectivation. Here we present experimentations with the body - involving dance, music, arts and writing - and discuss the relationships between Inventive Learning, aesthetic experience and the care of the self, taken as conceptual references to think bodies in a state of presence, producing connections, inventiveness and a turning to oneself with collective, political, clinical and aesthetic implications that move thought, bodies and life.

corporal practices; professional education in health; care of the self; inventive learning; aesthetic experience

Universidade Federal Fluminense, Departamento de Psicologia Campus do Gragoatá, bl O, sala 334, 24210-201 - Niterói - RJ - Brasil, Tel.: +55 21 2629-2845 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil