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To politicize the world of things

This review presents A comunicação das coisas: teoria atorrede e cibercultura [The communication of things: Actor-network theory and cyberculture], by André Lemos, raising its key aspects. In a constant dialogue with Bruno Latour's theory, and other like-minded authors, Lemos offers to Brazilian readers more than a book about cyberculture, but a deep reflection about communication and hybridization between people and things, namely, humans and non-humans, dealing with the political, ethical and pedagogical consequences of the hybrids in society.

actor-network theory; cyberculture; hybrids; socio-technical networks; Bruno Latour

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Semiótica da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) Rua Ministro Godoi, 969, 4º andar, sala 4A8, 05015-000 São Paulo/SP Brasil, Tel.: (55 11) 3670 8146 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil