Between the years 2020 and 2022, Petrópolis endured economic and social losses that were results from the crises generated by the Covid-19 pandemic and by the heavy rains in the summer of 2022. Petrópolis is city category A on the Brazilian tourism map, and it had the tourist activity essentially paralyzed in these moments of crisis. Thus, the general objective of this article is to reflect on the tourism phenomenon in the context of these crises. Based on a bibliographical and documentary research and on interviews with representatives of the tourist trade, it was possible to notice that, despite the municipality having gone through situations that temporarily made tourist activities unfeasible, strategies were created to manage the crises, the tourist board remained active, new segments and products were consolidated beyond the historic center and the calendar of events was strengthened.
Keywords: Crisis Covid-19; Climate vulnerability; Tourism; Petrópolis-RJ