The article aims to propose that the theoretical breadth of Henri Lefebvre entails different methodological designs, in addition to the dialectical method. In order to accomplish the above, it is appealed that the thought of Lefebvre is conceived in a triadic way and his epistemological posture corresponds to a heterodox aproach that gives light on the question of the method. From this, it highlights some postulates that support the present research as: the regressive-progressive method; triad games can be related by promoting a methodological design of open totalities; and, the unitary theory of the production of space that fragmented down by spatial dimensions respond to configure a theoretical-analysys methodconceptual, although leaving various possibilities to the user of the point of application that would serve as theoretical-methodological support in the propositions in David Harvey, Edward Soja and Neil Brenner.
Keywords: Henri Lefebvre; Method; Theory; Triads; Heterodox