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Implications of the gender approach in migratory studies

Implicaciones del enfoque de género en los estudios migratorios


The gender approach to study population migrations is a powerful way to highlight the participation and protagonism of women in these movements. This essay is based on the following question: What are the implications of the gender approach in migratory studies? To this end, the objective is to discuss the main characteristic aspects of the gender approach in studies on population migrations with emphasis on female migrations. The theoretical framework consists of Domenech and Dias (2020), Gil (2004)GIL, C. G. Migración femenina: su impacto en las relaciones de género. Asparkía Investigació Femenista. (15), 2004. p. 257-265. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 ago. 2021.
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gender approach; migration studies; female migrations

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