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Patterns of heterochromatin distribution in plant chromosomes

The C-band distribution patterns of 105 angiosperm species were compared to identify general patterns or preferential sites for heterochromatin. The base-specific fluorochrome reaction of heterochromatin for 58 of these species and the role played by the average chromosome size in band distribution were also considered. The results showed that heterochromatin was preferentially located in similar chromosome regions, regardless of the distance from the centromere. This trend results in generalized bands, with heterochromatin distribution being identical in most chromosomes of a karyotype. Such bands very often displayed the same fluorochrome reaction, suggesting possible repeat transfer between non-homologous sites. Chromosome size may also play a role in heterochromatin location, since proximal bands were much more common in small-sized chromosomes.

Sociedade Brasileira de Genética Rua Cap. Adelmio Norberto da Silva, 736, 14025-670 Ribeirão Preto SP Brazil, Tel.: (55 16) 3911-4130 / Fax.: (55 16) 3621-3552 - Ribeirão Preto - SP - Brazil