Open-access Plasma GBP2 promoter methylation is associated with advanced stages in breast cancer


Blood methylated cell-free DNA (cfDNA) as a minimally invasive cancer biomarker has great importance in cancer management. Guanylate binding protein 2 (GBP2) has been considered as a possible controlling factor in tumor development. GBP2 gene expression and its promoter methylation status in both plasma cfDNA and tumor tissues of ductal carcinoma breast cancer patients were analyzed using SYBR green comparative Real-Time RT-PCR and, Methyl-specific PCR techniques, respectively in order to find a possible cancer-related marker. The results revealed that GBP2 gene expression and promoter methylation were inversely associated. GBP2 was down-regulated in tumors with emphasis on triple negative status, nodal involvement and higher cancer stages (p<0.0001). GBP2 promoter methylation on both cfDNA and tumor tissues were positively correlated and was detected in about 88% of breast cancer patients mostly in (Lymph node positive) LN+ and higher stages. Data provided shreds of evidence that GBP2 promoter methylation in circulating DNA may be considered as a possible effective non-invasive molecular marker in poor prognostic breast cancer patients with the evidence of its relation to disease stage and lymph node metastasis. However further studies need to evaluate the involvement of GBP2 promoter methylation in progression-free survival or overall survival of the patients.

Keywords: Breast cancer; biomarker; cell-free nucleic acids; methylation; GBP2

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