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Innovative food: neophobic behavior and challenges for the sector industries

This article presents the results of an exploratory study that sought to analyze the attitude of 476 consumers in the city of Campo Grande about to their perception, motivation and tendency to food neophobia regarding the consumption of an innovative food product, the cheesy bread with carrot developed by SENAI/MS. Data were statistically treated by multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis with the help of the French software program SPAD. The results of these analyses allowed the composition of a typology of behaviors. The four most representative groups from that sample were defined as: "Cheese bread, only if it is homemade", "I like innovation, as long as the product appearance is similar to the homemade one", "I really trust in a well-known brand", and "None of that interests me". The results showed that three of the four groups of respondents tended to reject innovative/unfamiliar food products. Less neophobic behaviors were perceived in groups more represented by women with higher income and level of information. The lack of time or skill in the preparation of food and the ability of the sector to offer products similar to the homemade ones or to those made by mothers/grandmothers are the main reasons for the positive attitudes toward the new product. The results of this paper represent, for the industry and other public and private powers, important information sources for building their policies.

Food neophobia; No-familiar; Fear of the new

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil