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Identification of environmental aspects associated to the production of perfumery packaging: contribution to sustainable projects

The need for controlling atmospheric emissions and solid waste and effluent generation in industrial processes has stimulated many industries to adopt several different methods and tools for the development of sustainable products. Packaging can also be considered a product since it has its own life cycle, and its impacts can be associated to raw materials extraction, manufacturing, transportation, and post-consumption disposal. The growth of the Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Perfumery segment and increased product consumption have resulted in environmental impacts caused by packaging production, which generates solid residues, liquid effluents, atmospheric emissions, noise, and vibrations. This study has identified and organized the main environmental aspects related to the production process of packaging for the perfumery segment including materials and process selection and transformation. This work is intended to be used as a tool that contributes to the achievement of sustainable projects and products. The research method consisted of conducting literature review, document search, and statistical analysis. The packaging production chain was analyzed by direct observations at manufacturing facilities and those responsible for the packaging design. Open-ended unstructured (conversation) interviews were conducted by the researcher, and an online questionnaire was administered to the technical staff involved in production activities fulfilling environmental and technical criteria suggested by environmental organization researchers, legislations, and ISO 14001:2004. The packaging structure analysis allowed the identification of its components, material, and manufacturing processes. The process flowcharts and the listing method allowed the identification of its environmental aspect and its relationship with the stages of the production process in which it is generated. It was concluded from the results that all manufacturing processes studied have environmental issues related to natural resources consumption, effluent generation, atmospheric emissions, and solid waste generation since they result in local, regional, and global impacts.

Sustainable development; Packaging; Perfumery industry; Life cycle assessment; Environmental issues

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil