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Information systems planning: an apraisal of Sullivan' s study

This study compares the methodological directives of information systems planning, currently in use by machine-tool companies of the State of São Paulo, with those suggested by Sullivan in 1985. Basically, Sullivan mentions directives for four information environments established in accordance with the levels of infusion (organizational significance) and diffusion (resources spread) of their technology and information systems. Namely: TRADITIONAL with low infusion and diffusion levels: BACKBONE with high infusion and low diffusion, FEDERATION with low infusion and high diffusion and finally COMPLEX with both high infusion and diffusion levels. Notwithstanding, results achieved from market surveys carried out in all studied circumstances have proved that directives presently in use are not those that Sullivan has recommended. Companies where significant investments were made in the information sector make use of the eclectic model directive, to a certain extend ratifying Sullivan in the COMPLEX environment, though diverging from him in the FEDERATION, in considering that the directive concerning critical success factors is being mostly recommended. It has inclusive been noticed the inexistence of companies, heavily invested in information, in the TRADITIONAL and BACKBONE environments. Companies with limited degrees of investment ratify Sullivan in both the TRADITIONAL (stages of growth) and the BACKBONE (all-out study) however diverging in the FEDERATION and Complex environments. Research surveys have strengthened Sullivan´s assertion that companies´ natural path will be the utilization of his eclectic model for information system planning.

information systems planning; information environments; information sector; information systems control

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil