The academic and practical literature describes organizational typologies that can be classified according to two main categories: job-based and knowledge-based organizations. The organizational structure is most commonly represented or described by the organizational chart. However, this form of representation fails to adequately depict the organization's work dynamics, above all in companies whose key assets are knowledge and experience. To investigate the alignment between strategy and structure, the methodological approach adopted here was that of action research, which was carried out during 2003 and 2004 in a club located in the city of São Paulo. A group of 12 managers, 10 supervisors, 9 coordinators and 5 directors participated in a survey for this research. This article describes how a social, cultural and sports club designed its organizational structure in line with the formation of competencies and their working dynamics in order to operate as a knowledge-based organization. Based on the organigraph concept, the new portrayal of the organization helped the club clarify its emergent strategy for operating in an uncertain and highly competitive market and to implement the organigraph as simple rule to be followed by everyone. A performance measurement model derived from an organigraph is also presented here.
service strategy; building of competencies; organizational structures; organigraph