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Plural identities among youth of immigrant backround in Montreal

Our research concerns the ethnic identity of youth (18-22yrs) of immigrant parentage (Greek, Portuguese, Chilean, Vietnamese and Salvadoran, with a comparison group of French-speaking Québécois youth) in Montreal. Despite the questioning of notions of ethnicity and ethnic identity that has been going on for several decades, this area of research is still marked by essentialist perspectives that do not coincide with the results of our research. The young people interviewed express fluid ethnic identities that have changed over time and that are characterised by multiple forms of ethnic belonging. They present their ethnic identity as a source of enrichment rather than of conflict or feelings of inferiority. The oral accounts of youth of immigrant origin in Montreal give much evidence of transnationality, that is, ties with the cultural group of origin whether in the country of origin or elsewhere; and of transethnicity, solidarities with other ethnic groups in Montreal that are seen as culturally or structurally similar. Though these two orientations would seem to be somewhat contradictory, they are, we argue, in fact compatible. Both offer numerous advantages to immigrant groups and their members, particularly in the present-day context. We examine our research results in light of contextual factors related to the Montreal milieu as well as to the age group of those interviewed. We propose that, without minimising these factors, one must question the conceptualisation of ethnic identity especially as it concerns youth of immigrant origins.

ethnic identity; transnationality; urban youth

Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social - IFCH-UFRGS UFRGS - Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500 - Prédio 43321, sala 205-B, 91509-900 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brasil, Telefone (51) 3308-7165, Fax: +55 51 3308-6638 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil