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Identification of Heliothinae species (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in chickpeas in central Brazil

Identificação de espécies de Heliothinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) no grão-de-bico na região central do Brasil


Chickpea is a commercially exploited crop on a relatively new scale in Brazil, that is why, little information on the main pests is available. Mostly caterpillars showing Heliothinae morphological characteristics have emerged in production areas. In order to point out the species of these insects in chickpea fields produced in the Federal District and the surrounding areas, this study aimed to determine the morphological and molecular identification of these invertebrates in order to assist producers in pest management in a more sustainable way. Caterpillars were hand-collected directly from the plants in six sites and the moth collection was collected using light traps in four sites, monthly, in 2017 and 2018. The morphological identification was made through the adult insect genitalia and the subsequent molecular identification was performed using the cytochrome oxidase I enzyme with the quantitative PCR technique, which resulted in the development of an efficient and low-cost DNA extraction protocol to be used in samples under unfavorable storage conditions. Morphological and molecular studies showed the presence of Helicoverpa armigera, Helicoverpa zea, Chloridea virescens and Chloridea subflexa, with a predominance of Chloridea virescens in chickpea plants. Chloridea subflexa was verified for the first time feeding on chickpeas in Brazil.

Cicer arietinum, light trap, quantitative PCR; cytochrome oxidase I

Associação Brasileira de Horticultura QMSW 06 Lt. 04 Sl. 04, Setor Sudoeste, 70.680-615, Tel. +55 (61) 99621-3780, - Brasília - DF - Brazil