Open-access Role of sanitizers and biostimulants on root and shoot growth and enzyme activity of arracacha propagules

Papel de sanitizantes e bioestimulantes sobre o crescimento de raízes e parte aérea e atividade enzimática de propágulos de batata baroa


Biostimulants are chemical or biological components adopted to improve nutrient uptake/efficiency and tolerance to abiotic stresses in crops. We studied three biostimulants (Stimulate®, tryptophol and Bacillus subtilis C-3102) associated to two sanitizers (sodium hypochlorite or thymol), on initial growth of propagules of Arracacia xanthorrhiza. Sodium hypochlorite associated to B. subtilis improve the leaf gas exchange, furthermore this treatment showed greater root volume. The interaction among sodium hypochlorite and tryptophol improves the plant branching; in addition this association showed better results for root dry mass. Different biostimulants improve differently the arracacha organs development, hence it is necessary to evaluate the plant morphophysiological competence to apply the correct biostimulant and sanitizer.

Keywords: Arracacia xanthorrhiza; phenolic compound; NaClO; bacteria; plant growth; plant metabolism

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