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Evaluation of the potato plant leaf area using linear measures

The objective of this experiment was to determine the most appropriate model to estimate potato leaf area through the leaf length and width. 300 leaves of 300 potato plants, cv. Monalisa were collected in an aleatory way, 21 and 56 days after the plant emergence (DAE). In laboratory, the length (C), width (L) and area of each leaf (AF) were measured. The data were submitted to the regression analysis with the AF value as a dependent variable and the leaf length and width values as the independent variables. Three statistical models were tested (linear, exponential and logarithmic). Potato plant AF was more precisely estimated (R² = 0,88), using the two measures, L and C (AF = 0,2798**LC + 71,267); however, for better speed and workability, potato plant AF, was adequately estimated by measuring leaf L or C and using equations AF = 0,0479**L + 10,777 (R² = 0,83) or AF = 0,0659**C + 12,979 (R² = 0,82). The evaluated foliar area, 21 DAE, using linear model was of 234,41 cm², and the measured real value, was of 185,52 cm². At 56 DAE, the evaluated foliar area using the linear model was of 175,60 cm², and the measured real value, was of 176,01 cm². With one of the proposed models, the potato leaf area can be estimated in real time, quickly and without collecting the leaf.

Solanum tuberosum L.; width; length; statistical models

Associação Brasileira de Horticultura Embrapa Hortaliças, C. Postal 218, 70275-970 Brasília-DF, Tel. (61) 3385 9099, Tel. (81) 3320 6064, - Vitoria da Conquista - BA - Brazil