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Editor's letter

Dear all,

On our second issue of volume 33, we continue our visit to some horticultural products of high added value. This time, our cover turns to physalis. On the back cover, Dr. Janaína Muniz, from the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina - Campus São Miguel do Oeste, leads the team that talks about the characteristics and potential of physalis, a plant still little known and little used in Brazil.

In this letter, I would like to insist on one of the topics mentioned in our previous letter: the increased rigor in accepting articles for the reviewing process in Horticultura Brasileira. It is important to make clear that, in a more and more competitive environment, this is a need not only for the survival of our journal in the medium and long term, but also so that Horticultura Brasileira can keep the ascending curve of excellence, which has been one of its features so far.

Thus, we would like to stress to authors, as you plan your projects and experiments, whose results will later become public through your article, ask yourselves: is my work a new and original contribution? Is it a significant and impacting contribution? Why and whom to? Am I using adequate methods? Do they allow me to meet the objectives? And authors, be sure that the answers to these questions are properly explicit in the text of your article, not to our reviewers and editors, but for all potential readers.

See you in the next issue,

Paulo Melo

Publication Dates

  • Publication in this collection
    Apr-Jun 2015
Associação Brasileira de Horticultura Embrapa Hortaliças, C. Postal 218, 70275-970 Brasília-DF, Tel. (61) 3385 9099, Tel. (81) 3320 6064, - Vitoria da Conquista - BA - Brazil